
时间:2012-11-18 18:19:38

标签: c regression nonlinear-functions

我是C编程的新手。我使用了本书中的C代码' C 中的数字食谱'对于多项式回归,但我在实现/编译时遇到了问题。

这是我正在使用的代码。一些//显示我尝试将程序更改为C ++。如果我不能在C下构建它,也许它可以在C ++下工作?

我已将int main()添加到程序中以实现它。 nrutil.h 是头文件,但是我没有使用它,因为我将我需要的函数转移到.ccp文件中(函数matrix(),{{1} },vector()nrerror())。

我使用的编译器是MSVC 2010 Express。



//#include "nrutil.h"
#include <stdio.h>
//#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;

static float sqrarg;
#define SQR(a) ((sqrarg=(a)) == 0.0 ? 0.0 : sqrarg*sqrarg)
void nrerror(char error_text[]);
float *vector(long nl, long nh);
float **matrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);

int fpoly(float x, float a[], int ma){
int j;

for(j=2; j<=ma;j++) 

return ma;

void lfit( float x[], float y[], float sig[], int ndat, float a[], int ia[], int ma, float **covar, float *chisq)

//Given a set of data points x[1..ndat], y[1..ndat] with individual standard deviations
//sig[1..ndat], use χ2 minimization to fit for some or all of the coefficients a[1..ma] of
//a function that depends linearly on a, y =sum(i)( ai × afunci(x)). The input array ia[1..ma]
//indicates by nonzero entries those components of a that should be fitted for, and by zero entries
//those components that should be held fixed at their input values. The program returns values
//for a[1..ma], χ2 = chisq, and the covariance matrix covar[1..ma][1..ma]. (Parameters
//held fixed will return zero covariances.)Th e user supplies a routine funcs(x,afunc,ma) that
//returns the ma basis functions evaluated at x = x in the array afunc[1..ma].

void gaussj(float **a, int n, float **b, int m);

int i,j,k,l,m,mfit=0;
float ym,wt,sum,sig2i,**beta, *afunc;

//vector<float> afunc(1,ma);
//matrix<float> beta(1,ma,1,1);

for (j=1;j<=ma;j++)
    if (ia[j]) mfit++;
if (mfit == 0) 
    nrerror("lfit: no parameters to be fitted");
for (j=1;j<=mfit;j++) {                       //Initialize the (symmetric)matrix.
    for (k=1;k<=mfit;k++) covar[j][k]=0.0;
for (i=1;i<=ndat;i++) {                       //Loop over data to accumulate coefficients of the normal equations.

fpoly(x[i], afunc ,ma);
if (mfit < ma) {                              //Subtract off dependences on known pieces of the fitting function.
    for (j=1;j<=ma;j++)                
        if (!ia[j]) ym -= a[j]*afunc[j];

for (j=0,l=1;l<=ma;l++) {
    if (ia[l]) {
        for (j++,k=0,m=1;m<=l;m++)
            if (ia[m]) covar[j][++k] += wt*afunc[m];
        beta[j][1] += ym*wt;
for (j=2;j<=mfit;j++)                    //Fill in above the diagonal from symmetry.
    for (k=1;k<j;k++)
gaussj(covar,mfit,beta,1);              //Matrix solution.
for (j=0,l=1;l<=ma;l++) 
    if (ia[l]) a[l]=beta[++j][1];      //Partition solution to appropriate coefficients a Evaluate χ2 of the fit.
    for (i=1;i<=ndat;i++) { 
        fpoly(x[i], afunc,ma);
for (sum=0.0,j=1;j<=ma;j++) 
    sum += a[j]*afunc[j];
*chisq += SQR((y[i]-sum)/sig[i]);

//covsrt(covar,ma,ia,mfit);              //Sort covariance matrix to true order of fitting coefficients.

int main()

float x1[]={100.000000f,88.00000f,76.199997f,68.599998f,54.500000f,37.599998f,26.500000f,17.000000f,8.300000f,0.900000f,-7.200000f,-17.000000f,-24.900000f,-33.799999f,-42.500000f,-51.000000f,-60.500000f,-69.500000f,-75.300003f,-83.099998f,-94.099998f,-103.000000f,-110.099998f};
float y1[]={-2.876821f,-2.788704f,-2.596228f,-2.468143f,-1.898085f,-1.296223f,-0.664981f,-0.245603f,-0.280993f,-0.094657f,-0.184912f,-0.263328f,-0.181819f,-0.132037f,-0.029368f,0.134307f,0.257734f,0.305223f,0.091159f,0.063768f,-0.163334f,-0.136314f,-0.372106f};
float sig1[]={62.2940f,1.0532f};
float a1[]={1.8f,1.6f,1.7f,1.3f};
float **covar1, xa;
int ia1[]={2,3,4,2}; 
int ma=4, ndat=23;
float *chisq1;




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您已定义了许多未实现的功能。例如,在早期您定义此函数:void nrerror(char error_text[]);,但您实际上从未为其提供实现。确保项目内部包含任何其他相关的.c或.cpp文件,其中包含这些内容的定义。

即使你可能认为你没有使用这些功能,实际上你也是!例如,请注意对此进行调用:nrerror("lfit: no parameters to be fitted");。您的代码使用了这些函数,因此除非您为它们提供实现,否则您的代码将无法正确链接。