
时间:2012-11-15 20:07:28

标签: email date applescript geektool

我目前正在尝试自定义正在读取收件箱中未读邮件的AppleScript。 这基本上可以正常工作,除了事实,我可以#T设法得到邮件的日期。


"...receivedate of id... cannot be converted to Type reference..."



tell application "System Events"
    set processList to (name of every process)
end tell
if processList contains "Mail" then
tell application "Mail"
    if (unread count of inbox) > 0 then
        set messageList to (messages of inbox) whose read status is false
        set output to "Mails:" & return & return & ""
        repeat with itemNum from 1 to (unread count of inbox)
            set itemDate to (receivedate of item itemNum of messageList)
            set output to output & itemDate & " - " & (extract name from sender of item itemNum of messageList) & return & subject of item itemNum of messageList & return & return
        end repeat
    end if
end tell
set output to "ÄpplMäil isch aus..."
end if

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您要查找的术语是date received

tell application "Mail" to if running then
    if (unread count of inbox) > 0 then
        set output to "Mails:" & return & return & ""
        repeat with thisMsg in (get messages of inbox whose read status is false)
            tell thisMsg to set output to output & (date received) & " - " & (extract name from sender) & return & subject & return & return
        end repeat
    end if
    set output to "ÄpplMäil isch aus..."
end if

获得所需帮助的更快捷方式是邮件的Applescript词典。 邮件的所有命令,类和属性都在此词典中。

打开此词典的一种方法是使用File AppleScript Editor菜单中的“打开词典”项。使用此项时,您将获得具有词典的可用应用程序列表。选择Mail并单击“打开”按钮或使用“浏览”按钮导航到不公开的应用程序。

打开字典的另一种方法是使用AppleScript Editor's库窗口。它位于结果历史记录和事件日志历史记录菜单项下方的Window菜单中。 “库”窗口显示默认应用程序列表,您可以通过双击打开其词典。