使用Repository模式 - 可以使用LINQ过滤的地方?

时间:2012-11-15 16:31:08

标签: c# .net repository repository-pattern



[WebInvoke(BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped)]
public Policy GetPolicyById(int policyId, int historyId)
    // Don't do the if not deleted check here, as we can do it on our Controller.
    // This means we can use this function if we have to access the deleted records.
    return _policy.GetByID(policyId, historyId);


主要问题是:如果我想在此结果集上执行.Where(a => !a.Deleted)该怎么办?您可以通过我的代码注释看到我的一般思想是什么,但这是“正确”的做法,如果它是在服务级别,控制器(UI)级别完成,还是应该在其中创建函数我的非通用存储库允许这个功能吗?



/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="policyId"></param>
/// <param name="historyid"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public virtual IEnumerable<Policy> GetPolicies(int take, int skip)
    var policies = GetPoliciesHistoryGrouped().Take(take).Skip(skip);
    return policies;

/// <summary>
/// Returns all non-deleted (bitDelete) policies (in an expression, not comitted via the database), 
/// grouped by the latest history ID.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private IEnumerable<Policy> GetPoliciesHistoryGrouped()
    // Group and order by history ID.
    var historyIDs = _context.Policies.Where(a => !a.bitDelete)
                     .GroupBy(a => a.intPolicyId).Select(group => new
                         PolicyID = group.Key,
                         HistoryID = group.Max(a => a.intHistoryID)
    var query = (from h in historyIDs
                 join p in _context.Policies on new { h.HistoryID, h.PolicyID } equals new { HistoryID = p.intHistoryID, PolicyID = p.intPolicyId }
                 select p).OrderBy(a => a.intPolicyId);
    return query;


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