从Unix命令读取NSTask / NSPipe

时间:2012-11-15 05:58:17

标签: objective-c cocoa nstask nspipe


task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
pipe = [NSPipe pipe];
[task setStandardOutput:pipe];
//... later ...
[task setArguments:...];
[task setLaunchPath:@"..."];
[task launch];
handle = [[task fileHandleForReading] retain];

在程序通过[task terminate]告诉它之前,命令不会终止。我尝试了几种从句柄中读取的方法,例如-readInBackgroundAndNotifywhile([(data = [handle availableData]) length] > 0)-waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify,但管道似乎永远不会产生任何数据。有什么方法可以“戳”NSTaskNSPipe来刷新数据吗?


[handle readInBackgroundAndNotify];
notification_block_t handlerBlock =
    ^(NSNotification *notification) {
         NSData *data = [[notification userInfo]
                             objectForKey: NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem];
         /*... do stuff ...*/
         [self addNotification: handle block: handlerBlock];
[self addNotification: handler block: handlerBlock];
- (void)addNotification:(id)handle block:(notification_block_t)block {
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
         addObserverForName: NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification
         object: handle
         queue: [NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
         usingBlock: block];


[handle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
notification_block_t handlerBlock =
    ^(NSNotification *notification) {
        NSData *data = [handle availableData];
        /*... do stuff ...*/
[self addNotification: handler block: handlerBlock];


[self startProcessingThread: handle];
- (void)startProcessingThread:(NSFileHandle *)handle {
    [[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
         addOperation: [[[NSInvocationOperation alloc]
                             initWithTarget: self
                             selector: @selector(dataLoop:)
                             object: handle] autorelease]];
- (void)dataLoop:(NSFileHandle *)handle {
    NSData *data;
    while([(data = [handle availableData]) length] > 0) {
        /*... do stuff ...*/

编辑2 :参数设置如下(命令为tshark):

NSArray *cmd = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"-R", @"http.request", 
                                         @"-Tfields", @"-Eseparator='|'", 
                                         @"-ehttp.host", @"-ehttp.request.method", 
                                         @"-ehttp.request.uri", nil];
cmd = [[cmd arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[self.ports map:^(id arg1, NSUInteger idx) {
           return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"-d tcp.port==%d,http", [arg1 intValue]];
        arrayByAddingObject:[@"dst " stringByAppendingString:
            [self.hosts componentsJoinedByString:@" or dst "]]];
[self.tsharktask setArguments:cmd];

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


    task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
    [task setLaunchPath:...];
    NSArray *arguments;
    arguments = ...;
    [task setArguments:arguments];

    NSPipe *outPipe;
    outPipe = [NSPipe pipe];
    [task setStandardOutput:outPipe];

    outFile = [outPipe fileHandleForReading];
    [outFile waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self

    [task launch];

- (void)commandNotification:(NSNotification *)notification
    NSData *data = nil;
    while ((data = [self.outFile availableData]) && [data length]){

答案 1 :(得分:1)


task.standardOutput = [NSPipe pipe];
[[task.standardOutput fileHandleForReading] setReadabilityHandler:^(NSFileHandle *file) {
NSData *data = [file availableData]; // this will read to EOF, so call only once
NSLog(@"Task output! %@", [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);

// if you're collecting the whole output of a task, you may store it on a property
//maybe you want to appenddata
//[weakself.taskOutput appendData:data];