
时间:2012-11-05 17:09:31

标签: ruby testing hyperlink cucumber capybara


When I follow "More about Star Wars"                        # features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:56

  no link with title, id or text 'More about Star Wars' found (Capybara::ElementNotFound)
  (eval):2:in `click_link'

  ./features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:57:in `/^(?:|I )follow "([^"]*)"$/'
  features/find_movie_with_same_director.feature:18:in `When I follow "More about Star Wars"'

我猜它与动态链接相关联以提取正确的ID。 当然,一切都在浏览器中工作,当我测试创建新记录时。




- @movies.each do |movie|

    %td= movie.title 
    %td= movie.rating
    %td= movie.release_date
    %td= movie.director
    %td= link_to "More about #{movie.title}", movie_path(movie)
    %td= movie_path(movie)
  =link_to 'Add new movie', new_movie_path


When /^(?:|I )follow "([^"]*)"$/ do |link|


Feature: search for movies by director

Scenario: find movie with the same director
 As a movie buff
 So that I can find movies with my favorite director
 I want to include and search on director information in movies I enter

Background: movies in database
  Given the following movies exist:
  | title        | rating | director     | release_date |
  | Star Wars    | PG     | George Lucas |   1977-05-25 |
  | Blade Runner | PG     | Ridley Scott |   1982-06-25 |
  | Alien        | R      |              |   1979-05-25 |
  | THX-1138     | R      | George Lucas |   1971-03-11 |

  Given I am on the home page
  When I follow "More about Star Wars"
  Then  I should be on the details page for "Star Wars"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


当我按照“关于星球大战的更多信息”#features / step_definitions / web_steps.rb:56


没有与标题,内容或文字相关的链接'更多关于星球大战'的信息(Capybara :: ElementNotFound)     (eval):2:在`click_link'


./ features / step_definitions / web_steps.rb:57:in /^(?:|I )follow "([^"]*)"$/' features/find_movie_with_same_director.feature:18:in当我关注“有关星球大战的更多信息”时

似乎Capybara无法找到您的链接。 在该场景的步骤定义中尝试此步骤以单击链接

    page.find('tr', text: "#{movie.title}") .click

答案 1 :(得分:0)

Feature: search for movies by director

  As a movie buff
  So that I can find movies with my favorite director
  I want to include and search on director information in movies I enter

Background: movies in database
Given the following movies exist:
  | title        | rating | director     | release_date |
  | Star Wars    | PG     | George Lucas |   1977-05-25 |
  | Blade Runner | PG     | Ridley Scott |   1982-06-25 |
  | Alien        | R      |              |   1979-05-25 |
  | THX-1138     | R      | George Lucas |   1971-03-11 |
  | THX-1131     | G      | George Lucas |   1971-03-11 |

Scenario: find movie with same director
  Given I am on the RottenPotatoes home page
  And I check "ratings_PG"
  And I press "Refresh"
  When I follow "More about Star Wars"