我有一个经典的从列表/嵌套列表问题中删除重复的项目。但是,由于我要遵循的具体规则,解决方案并不是直截了当的。我编写了一个可以按需运行的示例应用程序。但它看起来很笨重。我正在寻找更优雅,如果可能更有效率。也许LINQ /扩展方法可能有所帮助。有什么建议吗?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var sellers = new List<Seller>()
new Seller()
Id = 1,
Products = new List<Product>()
new Product() { Sku = "Alpha", Price = 5.0, Shipping = 2.0 },
new Product() { Sku = "Beta", Price = 5.0, Shipping = 2.0 }, // more expensive sku within same seller
new Product() { Sku = "Beta", Price = 4.0, Shipping = 2.0 },
new Product() { Sku = "Gamma", Price = 8.0, Shipping = 2.0 }
new Seller()
Id = 2,
Products = new List<Product>()
new Product() { Sku = "Alpha", Price = 5.0, Shipping = 1.0 },
new Product() { Sku = "Beta", Price = 5.0, Shipping = 1.0 },
new Product() { Sku = "Gamma", Price = 8.0, Shipping = 2.0 }
// Eliminate duplicate Products amongst all sellers that have matching "Sku".
// Rules:
// Keep the Product with the lowest price.
// If price is equal, keep the product with lower shipping.
// If shipping is also equal, then keep the product with lowest seller Id.
// If at the end of all comparisons, a seller ends up with no products, then remove that seller.
// In this example, I expect to have (not necessarily in this order):
// 1.{Beta, 4.0, 2.0} // Fred.Beta has a lower price than Bob.Beta
// 1.{Gamma, 8.0, 2.0} // Fred.Gamma is an identical deal to Bob, but Fred is first in the list
// 2.{Alpha, 5.0, 1.0} // Bob.Alpha has a lower shipping cost than Fred.Alpha
var newSellers = new List<Seller>();
foreach (var seller in sellers)
foreach (var product in seller.Products)
// TODO: Possible performance improvement? Check for existing seller & product in newSellers before calling any code below.
var bestSeller = seller;
var bestProduct = product;
FindBestSellerAndProduct(sellers, ref bestSeller, ref bestProduct);
AddIfNotExists(newSellers, bestSeller, bestProduct);
newSellers.Sort((x, y) => x.Id.CompareTo(y.Id)); // Ensures the list is sorted by seller id... do I really care?
private static void FindBestSellerAndProduct(IList<Seller> sellers, ref Seller seller, ref Product product)
string sku = product.Sku;
foreach (var s in sellers)
foreach (var p in s.Products.Where(x => x.Sku == sku))
if ((product.Price > p.Price) ||
(product.Price == p.Price && product.Shipping > p.Shipping) ||
(product.Price == p.Price && product.Shipping == p.Shipping && seller.Id > s.Id))
seller = s;
product = p;
private static void AddIfNotExists(IList<Seller> sellers, Seller seller, Product product)
var newSeller = sellers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == seller.Id);
if (newSeller == null)
// Add input seller and product if seller doesn't already exist in our list.
newSeller = new Seller() { Id = seller.Id, Products = new List<Product>() };
var newProduct = newSeller.Products.Find(x => x.Sku == product.Sku);
if (newProduct == null)
// Add input product if it doesn't already exist in our list
// I cannot modify the below classes.
public sealed class Seller
public int Id;
public List<Product> Products;
public sealed class Product
public string Sku;
public double Price;
public double Shipping;
答案 0 :(得分:3)
var query = sellers.SelectMany(s => s.Products.Select(p => new {
SellerId = s.Id,
Product = p })) // 1
.OrderBy(x => x.Product.Price) // 2
.ThenBy(x => x.Product.Shipping)
.ThenBy(x => x.SellerId)
.GroupBy(x => x.Product.Sku) // 3
.Select(g => g.First()) // 4
.GroupBy(x => x.SellerId) // 5
.Select(g => new Seller() {
Id = g.Key,
Products = g.Select(x => x.Product).ToList() })
{ settlerId, product }
对有序序列进行分组。它会生成{ settlerId, product }