
时间:2012-10-25 16:15:24

标签: entity-framework unit-testing moq


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


public interface IInMemoryRepository<T> where T : class
    IQueryable<T> GetAll();
    void Create(T item);
    void Update(T item);
    T GetItem(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression);
    void Delete(T item);

public class InMemoryRepository<T> : IInMemoryRepository<T> where T : class
    private int _incrementer = 0;
    public Dictionary<int, T> List = new Dictionary<int, T>();

    public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
        return List.Select(x => x.Value).AsQueryable();

    public void Create(T item)
        item.GetType().GetProperties().First(p => p.Name == "Id").SetValue(item, _incrementer, null);
        List.Add(_incrementer, item);

    public void Update(T item)
        var key = (int)item.GetType().GetProperties().First(p => p.Name == "Id").GetValue(item, null);
        List[key] = item;

    public T GetItem(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression)
        return List.Select(x => x.Value).SingleOrDefault(expression.Compile());

    public void Delete(T item)
        var key = (int)item.GetType().GetProperties().First(p => p.Name == "Id").GetValue(item, null);

答案 1 :(得分:1)

This blog article might be of use,虽然自从我撰写帖子后我的设计有所改变,但我确实需要更新它。我以一种能够模拟DbContext的方式使用了通用存储库模式。这允许数据访问层“直到边缘”进行测试。 Generic Repository and Unit of Work

答案 2 :(得分:0)


答案 3 :(得分:0)

时代已经发生变化 - 自Entity Framework 6发布以来,模拟数据库上下文和数据集变得更加容易。 This article outlines the particulars


// @flow
type Props = {
  width: string,

function fun({ width = '30em' }: Props) {
  return width;

测试查询方案 查询测试现在非常好,因为您可以在代码中构建测试数据集,然后针对它们执行测试:

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; 
using Moq; 
using System.Data.Entity; 

namespace TestingDemo 
    public class NonQueryTests 
        public void CreateBlog_saves_a_blog_via_context() 
            var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<Blog>>(); 

            var mockContext = new Mock<BloggingContext>(); 
            mockContext.Setup(m => m.Blogs).Returns(mockSet.Object); 

            var service = new BlogService(mockContext.Object); 
            service.AddBlog("ADO.NET Blog", "http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet"); 

            mockSet.Verify(m => m.Add(It.IsAny<Blog>()), Times.Once()); 
            mockContext.Verify(m => m.SaveChanges(), Times.Once()); 

答案 4 :(得分:0)


public void CreateBlog_saves_a_blog_via_context()
  var data = new List<Blog>
    new Blog { Name = "BBB" },
    new Blog { Name = "ZZZ" },
    new Blog { Name = "AAA" },
  var mockSet = new Mock<DbSet<Blog>>();
  mockSet.Setup(blogs => blogs.Add(It.IsAny<Blog>)).Returns<Blog>(blog =>
    return blog;
  var mockContext = new Mock<BloggingContext>();
  mockContext.Setup(m => m.Blogs).Returns(mockSet.Object);
  var service = new BlogService(mockContext.Object);
  var blog = service.AddBlog("_ADO.NET Blog", "http://blogs.msdn.com/adonet");
  var blogs = service.GetAllBlogs();
  mockSet.Verify(m => m.Add(It.IsAny<Blog>()), Times.Once());
  mockContext.Verify(m => m.SaveChanges(), Times.Once());
  Assert.Equal(4, blogs.Count);
  Assert.Equal("AAA", blogs(1).Name);
  Assert.Equal("BBB", blogs(2).Name);
  Assert.Equal("ZZZ", blogs(3).Name);
