
时间:2012-10-17 06:30:27

标签: java matrix

public class Homework2 {
    public static void main(String[] args){
    int num1 = (int) (Math.random()*(10-3+1)+3);
    int num2 = (int) (Math.random()*(10-3+1)+3);

    double[][] doubMatrix1 = new double[num1][num2];
    double[][] doubMatrix2 = new double[num1][num2];
    double[][] doubMatrix3 = new double[num1][num2];

    doubMatrix1 = getdoubMatrix(num1,num2);
    doubMatrix2 = getdoubMatrix(num1,num2);
    doubMatrix3 = addMatrices(doubMatrix1, doubMatrix2, num1, num2);        
    printDoubMatrix("First matrix", doubMatrix1);
    printDoubMatrix("Second matrix", doubMatrix2);
    printDoubMatrix("Result of adding", doubMatrix3);
    doubMatrix2 =transposeMatrix(num1,num2, doubMatrix2);
    printDoubMatrix("Second matrix transposed", doubMatrix2);
    doubMatrix3 = multipyMatrices(doubMatrix1, doubMatrix2, num1, num2);
    printDoubMatrix("Result of multiplying", doubMatrix3);


public static double[][] getdoubMatrix(int num1,int num2){

    double[][] tempArray = new double[num1][num2];
    for(int i = 0;i < tempArray.length;i++)
        for(int j = 0;j < tempArray[i].length;j++)
            tempArray[i][j] = Math.random() * (100);                
    return tempArray;

public static double[][] addMatrices(double[][] doubMatrix1, double[][] doubMatrix2,int num1,int num2)

    double[][] tempArray = null;
    if(doubMatrix1.length == doubMatrix2.length)
        if(doubMatrix1[0].length == doubMatrix2[0].length)
             tempArray = new double[num1][num2];
            for(int i = 0; i< doubMatrix1.length;i++)
                  for(int j = 0; j< doubMatrix1[i].length;j++ )
                      tempArray[i][j] = doubMatrix1[i][j] + doubMatrix2[i][j];
            return tempArray = new double[0][0];


    return tempArray;

public static void printDoubMatrix(String text,double[][] doubMatrix1){

    for(int i = 0; i< doubMatrix1.length;i++)
          for(int j = 0; j< doubMatrix1[i].length;j++ ) {                    
              System.out.printf("%9.1f", doubMatrix1[i][j]);                

public static double[][] transposeMatrix(int num1, int num2, double[][] doubMatrix2){
    double[][] tempArray = new double[num2][num1];
    for(int i = 0;i < num1;i++)
        for(int j = 0;j < num2;j++)
            tempArray[j][i] = doubMatrix2[i][j];               
    return tempArray;

public static double[][] multipyMatrices(double[][] doubMat1, double[][] doubMat2, int num1, int num2)

        double[][] tempArray = null;
        if(doubMat1[0].length == doubMat2.length)
                tempArray = new double[num1][num2];
                for(int i = 0; i< doubMat1.length;i++)              
                    for(int j = 0; j < doubMat1[i].length;j++ )
                        for(int k = 0; k <doubMat1[i].length;k++ )
                            tempArray[i][j] = tempArray[i][j] + doubMat1[i][k]*doubMat2[k][j];



                return tempArray = new double[0][0];
        return tempArray;






     55.8     58.8     18.6      5.0     34.6     97.6      8.8
      8.4     71.1     63.3     15.7     63.9     41.8     89.2
      1.0     54.5     36.5     68.5     55.8     21.3     40.1
     10.0     67.2     37.8     45.9     95.5     76.0     98.2
     11.2     20.8      8.3     78.3     44.8     81.2     32.8
     58.0      7.9     57.2     22.2     92.6     90.0     93.2
     73.7      5.2     20.1     13.3     73.0     30.3     63.2
      9.1     72.1     75.3     53.3     45.6     86.6     85.4
Second matrix

     12.2     76.0      7.3     87.8      8.9     23.6     67.1
     65.4     22.0     91.3     96.0     59.6     76.4     82.0
     51.2     29.5     39.2     70.9      6.8      1.5     78.0
     52.6     47.3     29.5      1.4     95.8     15.4     43.9
     27.1     79.7     26.7     14.6     47.0     52.6     80.4
     65.7     88.8     46.5     60.9     82.6      4.9      9.9
     47.9     21.7     55.4     67.1     26.3     90.1     90.0
     96.0     15.7     92.9     74.9     22.8     17.3     53.9
Result of adding

     68.0    134.8     25.9     92.8     43.4    121.1     75.8
     73.8     93.1    154.6    111.7    123.5    118.2    171.2
     52.2     84.0     75.7    139.4     62.6     22.8    118.0
     62.6    114.5     67.3     47.3    191.2     91.4    142.1
     38.3    100.6     35.0     92.9     91.8    133.7    113.2
    123.7     96.7    103.6     83.2    175.2     94.9    103.1
    121.6     26.9     75.5     80.4     99.3    120.4    153.2
    105.1     87.8    168.2    128.2     68.4    103.9    139.2
Second matrix transposed

     12.2     65.4     51.2     52.6     27.1     65.7     47.9     96.0
     76.0     22.0     29.5     47.3     79.7     88.8     21.7     15.7
      7.3     91.3     39.2     29.5     26.7     46.5     55.4     92.9
     87.8     96.0     70.9      1.4     14.6     60.9     67.1     74.9
      8.9     59.6      6.8     95.8     47.0     82.6     26.3     22.8
     23.6     76.4      1.5     15.4     52.6      4.9     90.1     17.3
     67.1     82.0     78.0     43.9     80.4      9.9     90.0     53.9
Result of multiplying

     12.2     65.4     51.2     52.6     27.1     65.7     47.9     96.0
     76.0     22.0     29.5     47.3     79.7     88.8     21.7     15.7
      7.3     91.3     39.2     29.5     26.7     46.5     55.4     92.9
     87.8     96.0     70.9      1.4     14.6     60.9     67.1     74.9
      8.9     59.6      6.8     95.8     47.0     82.6     26.3     22.8
     23.6     76.4      1.5     15.4     52.6      4.9     90.1     17.3
     67.1     82.0     78.0     43.9     80.4      9.9     90.0     53.9

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