如何将JSValueRef从Objective-C传输到JavaScript var中

时间:2012-10-02 16:29:11

标签: objective-c ios cocoa-touch javascriptcore


NSString *objcName = @"Kristof";

和一个名为 jsContextRef 的JSGlobalContextRef上下文。


JSStringRef jsNameRef = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString([objcName UTF8String]);
JSValueRef jsValueRef = JSValueMakeString(jsContextRef, jsNameRef);


// This part is pseudo-code for which I would like to have proper code:


NSString *lJavaScriptScript = @"var jsUppercaseName = jsName.toUpperCase();";
JSStringRef scriptJS = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString([lJavaScriptScript UTF8String]);
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSValueRef result = JSEvaluateScript(jsContextRef, scriptJS, NULL, NULL, 0, &exception);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我在sample code for JavaScriptCoreHeadstart中找到了答案,更具体地说是JSWrappers.m文件。它有这种方法:

/* -addGlobalStringProperty:withValue: adds a string with the given name to the
 global object of the JavaScriptContext.  After this call, scripts running in
 the context will be able to access the string using the name. */
- (void)addGlobalStringProperty:(NSString *)name withValue:(NSString *)theValue {
    /* convert the name to a JavaScript string */
    JSStringRef propertyName = [name jsStringValue];
    if ( propertyName != NULL ) {
        /* convert the property value into a JavaScript string */
        JSStringRef propertyValue = [theValue jsStringValue];
        if ( propertyValue != NULL ) {            
            /* copy the property value into the JavaScript context */
            JSValueRef valueInContext = JSValueMakeString( [self JSContext], propertyValue );
            if ( valueInContext != NULL ) {                
                /* add the property into the context's global object */
                JSObjectSetProperty( [self JSContext], JSContextGetGlobalObject( [self JSContext] ),
                                propertyName, valueInContext, kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, NULL );
            /* done with our reference to the property value */
            JSStringRelease( propertyValue );
        /* done with our reference to the property name */
        JSStringRelease( propertyName );

这正是我所需要的。 jsStringValue方法的代码位于同一项目的NSStringWrappers.m中,并且是:

/* return a new JavaScriptCore string value for the string */
- (JSStringRef)jsStringValue {
    return JSStringCreateWithCFString( (__bridge CFStringRef) self );
