
时间:2012-09-28 16:27:31

标签: c# .net oracle plsql

有没有人知道如何在PL / SQL存储过程中生成.Net DateTime.Ticks,而Oracle数据库中没有.Net程序集?

我在.Net中有一个服务,将DateTime.Ticks值存储在[Oracle数据库]列中。 现在我必须创建一个存储过程来创建类似的信息,但我必须匹配该特定列中的.Net标记。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



答案 1 :(得分:2)



       inTimestamp IN TIMESTAMP
-- **********************************************************************************
-- File name:         Get_DotNet_Ticks
-- Original Author:   Roberto Lopes
-- Creation Date:     October 2012
-- Description:       Returns the number of ticks for the provided timestamp, based
--                    on the Microsoft .Net algorithm
-- **********************************************************************************
BeginDate TIMESTAMP := TO_TIMESTAMP('0001-01-03', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); --.Net Ticks are counted starting from this date
    RETURN (EXTRACT(DAY FROM(inTimestamp - BeginDate)) * 86400000 + (TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(inTimestamp, 'SSSSSFF3'))))*10000;
END Get_DotNet_Ticks;

答案 2 :(得分:1)

我不熟悉Oracle PL / SQL,但是以下DateToTicks() C#函数(直接取自Mono的开源DateTime实现)揭示了给定DateTime值的各个组件时如何计算滴答的详细信息。也许它有所帮助。


      public const long TicksPerDay = 864000000000L;
      private static readonly int[] daysmonth = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
      private static readonly int[] daysmonthleap = { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

      private static int AbsoluteDays(int year, int month, int day) {
         int[] days;
         int temp = 0, m = 1;

         days = (IsLeapYear(year) ? daysmonthleap : daysmonth);

         while( m < month )
            temp += days[m++];
         return ((day - 1) + temp + (365 * (year - 1)) + ((year - 1) / 4) - ((year - 1) / 100) + ((year - 1) / 400));

      public static bool IsLeapYear(int year) {
         if( year < 1 || year > 9999 )
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
         return ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0);

      internal static bool CalculateTicks(int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds, out long result) {
         // there's no overflow checks for hours, minutes, ...
         // so big hours/minutes values can overflow at some point and change expected values
         int hrssec = (hours * 3600); // break point at (Int32.MaxValue - 596523)
         int minsec = (minutes * 60);
         long t = ((long)(hrssec + minsec + seconds) * 1000L + (long)milliseconds);
         t *= 10000;

         result = 0;

         bool overflow = false;
         // days is problematic because it can overflow but that overflow can be 
         // "legal" (i.e. temporary) (e.g. if other parameters are negative) or 
         // illegal (e.g. sign change).
         if( days > 0 ) {
            long td = TicksPerDay * days;
            if( t < 0 ) {
               long ticks = t;
               t += td;
               // positive days -> total ticks should be lower
               overflow = (ticks > t);
            } else {
               t += td;
               // positive + positive != negative result
               overflow = (t < 0);
         } else if( days < 0 ) {
            long td = TicksPerDay * days;
            if( t <= 0 ) {
               t += td;
               // negative + negative != positive result
               overflow = (t > 0);
            } else {
               long ticks = t;
               t += td;
               // negative days -> total ticks should be lower
               overflow = (t > ticks);

         if( overflow ) {
            return false;

         result = t;
         return true;

      public static bool  DateToTicks (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, out long result) {
         return CalculateTicks(AbsoluteDays(year, month, day), hour, minute, second, millisecond, out result);

答案 3 :(得分:0)

Ticks propertylong,因此您需要使用合适的Oracle类型:'Number'