SQL Server 2008,如何检查数据库中是否存在多条记录?

时间:2012-09-25 14:51:16

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2008 duplicates


  • 配方:
    • id,name
  • 成分:
    • id,name
  • recipeingredient:
    • id,recipeId,ingredientId,quantity


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


select recipeId as ExistingRecipeID
from recipeingredient
where (ingredientId = 1 and quantity = 1)
    or (ingredientId = 8 and quantity = 1)
    or (ingredientId = 13 and quantity = 1)
group by recipeId
having count(*) = 3 --must match # of ingeredients in WHERE clause

答案 1 :(得分:2)


select ri1.recipeId, ri2.recipeId
from RecipeIngredient ri1 full outer join
     RecipeIngredient ri2
     on ri1.ingredientId = ri2.ingredientId and
        ri1.quantity = ri2.quantity and
        ri1.recipeId < ri2.recipeId
group by ri1.recipeId, ri2.recipeId
having count(ri1.id) = count(ri2.id) and   -- same number of ingredients
       count(ri1.id) = count(*) and        -- all r1 ingredients are present
       count(*) = count(ri2.id)            -- all r2 ingredents are present


以下 执行正确的比较。它在连接之前计算每个配方中的成分,因此可以在所有匹配的行上比较该值。

select ri1.recipeId, ri2.recipeId
from (select ri.*, COUNT(*) over (partition by recipeid) as numingredients
      from @RecipeIngredient ri
     ) ri1 full outer join
     (select ri.*, COUNT(*) over (partition by recipeid) as numingredients
      from @RecipeIngredient ri
     ) ri2
     on ri1.ingredientId = ri2.ingredientId and
        ri1.quantity = ri2.quantity and
        ri1.recipeId < ri2.recipeId
group by ri1.recipeId, ri2.recipeId
having max(ri1.numingredients) = max(ri2.numingredients) and
       max(ri1.numingredients) = count(*)


insert into @recipeingredient select 1, 1, 1
insert into @recipeingredient select 1, 2, 10
insert into @recipeingredient select 2, 1, 1
insert into @recipeingredient select 2, 2, 10
insert into @recipeingredient select 2, 3, 10
insert into @recipeingredient select 3, 1, 1
insert into @recipeingredient select 4, 1, 1
insert into @recipeingredient select 4, 3, 10
insert into @recipeingredient select 5, 1, 1
insert into @recipeingredient select 5, 2, 10



答案 2 :(得分:0)


-- Setup test data
declare @recipeingredient table (
      id int not null primary key identity
    , recipeId int not null
    , ingredientId int not null
    , quantity int not null
insert into @recipeingredient select 1, 1, 1
insert into @recipeingredient select 1, 2, 10
insert into @recipeingredient select 2, 1, 1
insert into @recipeingredient select 2, 2, 10

-- Actual Query
if exists (
    select *
    from @recipeingredient old
        full outer join @recipeingredient new
            on old.recipeId != new.recipeId         -- Different recipes
            and old.ingredientId = new.ingredientId -- but same ingredients
            and old.quantity = new.quantity         -- and same quantities
    where old.id is null    -- Match not found
        or new.id is null   -- Match not found
    select cast(0 as bit) as IsDuplicateRecipe
else begin
    select cast(1 as bit) as IsDuplicateRecipe

由于这实际上只是在搜索重复内容,因此您可能希望将临时表或pass a table variable替换为“新”表。这样,您无需在进行搜索之前插入新记录。您还可以插入基表,将整个事物包装在事务中并根据结果回滚。