
时间:2012-09-25 11:54:22

标签: python file search text

  1. 我有几个测试文件保存在一个目录中
  2. 我想转到每个文件并搜索一些文本“文本1”和“文本2”,并在输出文件中打印此文本前面的所有内容....
  3. 我已经使用python脚本.....
  4. 但接下来的事情是我只希望每个文件中的第一个“文本1”和“文本2”实例。如果我在当前脚本中添加break,我将无法打印出文件..
  5. 请指导我..我是蟒蛇初学者......

    import os
    path = "D:\test"
    in_files = os.listdir(path)
    desc = open("desc.txt", "w")
    print >> desc, "Mol_ID,   Text1,  Text2"
    moldesc = ['Text1', 'Text2']
    for f in in_files:
        file = os.path.join(path, f)
        text = open(file, "r")
        hit_count = 0
        hit_count1 = 0
        for line in text:
            if moldesc[0] in line:
                Text1 = line.split()[-1]
            if moldesc[1] in line:
                Text2 = line.split()[-1]
                print >> desc, f + "," + Text1 + "," + Text2
    print "Text extraction done !!!"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 您的text.close()应与for line in text循环处于同一级别。
  • print >> desc语句不合适:只有在定义Text1Text2时才应打印。您可以在for line in text循环之外将它们设置为None,并测试它们是否都不是None。 (或者,您可以在hit_count0=1测试中设置if moldesc[0],在hit_count1=1中设置if moldesc[1]并测试hit_count0 and hit_count1)。在这种情况下,打印输出并使用break来逃避循环。


for f in in_files:
    file = os.path.join(path, f)
    with open(file, "r") as text:
        hit_count = 0
        hit_count1 = 0
        for line in text:
            if moldesc[0] in line:
                Text1 = line.split()[-1]
                hit_count = 1
            if moldesc[1] in line:
                Text2 = line.split()[-1]
                hit_count1 = 1
            if hit_count and hit_count1:
                print >> desc, f + "," + Text1 + "," + Text2


你提到想要之前的文字 Text1?然后,您可能希望使用Text1 = line[:line.index(moldesc[0])]而不是Text1 = line.split()[-1] ...

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我会选择mmap并可能使用CSV作为结果文件方法,类似于(未经测试)和粗糙的边缘......(需要更好的错误处理,可能想要使用mm.find( )而不是一个正则表达式,一些代码是从OP等逐字复制的...,而我的电脑的电池即将死......)

import os 
import csv
import mmap
from collections import defaultdict

PATH = r"D:\test"  # note 'r' prefix to escape '\t' interpretation
in_files = os.listdir(path)

fout = open('desc.txt', 'w')
csvout = csv.writer(fout)
csvout.writerow( ['Mol_ID', 'Text1', 'Text2'] )

dd = defaultdict(list)

for filename in in_files: 
    fin = open(os.path.join(path, f))
    mm = mmap.mmap(fin.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
    # Find stuff
    matches = re.findall(r'(.*?)(Text[12])', mm) # maybe user finditer depending on exact needs
    for text, matched in matches:
    # do something with dd - write output using csvout.writerow()...