我需要在同一页面上使用具有不同参数的相同JQuery脚本。 我的剧本是:
* Simple Image Slider
* Read more at: http://stuff.nekhbet.ro/2009/06/23/simple-image-gallery-navigation-slider-plugin-in-jquery.html
* Version: 1.0.1
* Copyright (c) 2009 Trimbitas Sorin-Iulian
* Free of use (personal and commercial) as long as you keep this header in the file
* Requires: jQuery v1.3+
;(function($) {
var totalCount = 0,selector,options,firstPos = 0,isRunning = false;
$.fn.simple_slider = function(settings) {
settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.simple_slider.defaults, settings);
selector = this.selector;
options = settings;
//get the number of images
totalCount = $(selector + " img").size();
function _init(){
//hide them all (with the exception of the first X images)
$(selector + " img").each(function(i){
if (i >= options.display){
this.style.display = "none";
//put actions (onclick) on the buttons for navigation
$("#" + options.leftID).click(function (){
if (isRunning == false){
$("#" + options.leftID).hover(function (){
}, function (){
$("#" + options.rightID).click(function (){
if (isRunning == false){
$("#" + options.rightID).hover(function (){
}, function (){
$("#" + options.leftID).addClass("simple_slider_disabled");
function _goLeft(){
isRunning = true;
if (firstPos > 0){
//remove the last one
$(selector + " img:eq("+ (firstPos + options.display - 1) + ")").fadeOut("slow", function (){
//add one from the beginning
$(selector + " img:eq("+ (firstPos) +")").fadeIn("slow",function(){
isRunning = false;
} else {
isRunning = false;
function _goRight(){
isRunning = true;
if (firstPos + options.display < totalCount){
//remove the first one
$(selector + " img:eq("+ firstPos +")").fadeOut("slow", function (){
//add one from the end
$(selector + " img:eq("+ (firstPos + options.display - 1) +")").fadeIn("slow",function(){
isRunning = false;
} else {
isRunning = false;
function _checkNavigation(){
if (firstPos == 0){
$("#" + options.leftID).addClass("simple_slider_disabled");
} else {
$("#" + options.leftID).removeClass("simple_slider_disabled");
if ( (firstPos + options.display) >= totalCount){
$("#" + options.rightID).addClass("simple_slider_disabled");
} else {
$("#" + options.rightID).removeClass("simple_slider_disabled");
$.fn.simple_slider.defaults = {
display : 4,
leftID : null,
rightID : null
'leftID': 'leftNav',
'rightID': 'rightNav',
'display': 4
'leftID': 'leftNav_bottom',
'rightID': 'rightNav_bottom',
'display': 8