string = #extremely large number
num = [int(c) for c in string if not c.isspace()]
答案 0 :(得分:14)
这是list comprehension,是一种创建新列表的简写。它在功能上等同于:
num = []
for c in string:
if not c.isspace():
答案 1 :(得分:4)
num = [ int( c)
"num" shall be a list of: the int created from each c
for c in string
where c takes on each value found in string
if not c .isspace() ]
such that it is not the case that c is a space (end of list description)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
string = 'aVeryLargeNumber'
num = [int(c) for c in string if not c.isspace()] #list comprehension
"""Breakdown of a list comprehension into it's parts."""
num = [] #creates an empty list
for c in string: #This threw me for a loop when I first started learning
#as everytime I ran into the 'for something in somethingelse':
#the c was always something else. The c is just a place holder
#for a smaller unit in the string (in this example).
#For instance we could also write it as:
#for number in '1234567890':, which is also equivalent to
#for x in '1234567890': or
#for whatever in '1234567890'
#Typically you want to use something descriptive.
#Also, string, does not have to be just a string. It can be anything
#so long as you can iterate (go through it) one item at a time
#such as a list, tuple, dictionary.
if not c.isspace(): #in this example it means if c is not a whitespace character
#which is a space, line feed, carriage return, form feed,
#horizontal tab, vertical tab.
num.append(int(c)) #This converts the string representation of a number to an actual
#number(technically an integer), and appends it to a list.
'1234567890' # our string in this example
num = []
for c in '1234567890':
if not c.isspace():
num = [] #our list, empty for now
for '1' in '1234567890':
if not '1'.isspace():
注意''围绕1.'之间的任何内容''或“”表示此项目是一个字符串。虽然它看起来像一个数字,但就Python而言它并非如此。一个简单的方法 验证是在解释器中键入1 + 2并将结果与'1'+'2'进行比较。看到差异?使用数字,它可以按照您的预期将它们添加到一起。使用字符串将它们连接在一起。
num = [1] #our list, now with a one appended!
for '2' in '1234567890':
if not '2'.isspace():
所以它会一直持续到字符串中的字符用完为止,否则会产生错误。如果字符串是'1234567890.12345'会发生什么? 我们可以有把握地说''。不是空白字符。因此,当我们进入int('。')时,Python会抛出一个错误:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <fragment>
builtins.ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '.'
祝你好运!答案 3 :(得分:0)
>>> print [i for i in range(10)]
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> print [i for i in range(20) if i%2 == 0]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
>>> nums = [1,2,3,4]
>>> fruit = ["Apples", "Peaches", "Pears", "Bananas"]
>>> print [(i,f) for i in nums for f in fruit]
[(1, 'Apples'), (1, 'Peaches'), (1, 'Pears'), (1, 'Bananas'),
(2, 'Apples'), (2, 'Peaches'), (2, 'Pears'), (2, 'Bananas'),
(3, 'Apples'), (3, 'Peaches'), (3, 'Pears'), (3, 'Bananas'),
(4, 'Apples'), (4, 'Peaches'), (4, 'Pears'), (4, 'Bananas')]
>>> print [(i,f) for i in nums for f in fruit if f[0] == "P"]
[(1, 'Peaches'), (1, 'Pears'),
(2, 'Peaches'), (2, 'Pears'),
(3, 'Peaches'), (3, 'Pears'),
(4, 'Peaches'), (4, 'Pears')]
>>> print [(i,f) for i in nums for f in fruit if f[0] == "P" if i%2 == 1]
[(1, 'Peaches'), (1, 'Pears'), (3, 'Peaches'), (3, 'Pears')]
>>> print [i for i in zip(nums,fruit) if i[0]%2==0]