使用AppleScript将文件复制到多个USB Sticks

时间:2012-09-06 06:23:10

标签: applescript






property ignoredVolumes : {"Macintosh HD", "Time Machine Backups"}     

set myPath to ("Macintosh HD:Users:myusername:USB-Stick") as string
tell application "System Events"
set rootVolume to disk item (POSIX file "/Volumes" as text)
set allVolumes to name of every disk item of rootVolume
repeat with aVolume in allVolumes
    if aVolume is not in ignoredVolumes then
        set name of disk item (path of rootVolume & aVolume) to "Stickname"
    end if
end repeat
end tell

我现在需要做的是从myPath复制到连接的每个USB-Stick。因为它们都具有相同的名称,所以它们将在名称后面加上数字(Stickname,Stickname 1,Stickname 2,...)



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


do shell script "cp -R ~/USB-Stick/ /Volumes/Stickname*"

答案 1 :(得分:1)


property ignoredVolumes : {"Macintosh HD", "Time Machine Backups", "iDisk", "net", "home"}
set myPath to (path to home folder as text) & "USB-Stick:"
tell application "System Events" to set theDisks to every disk
repeat with aDisk in theDisks
    if aDisk's name is not in ignoredVolumes then
        set diskPath to path of aDisk
        tell application "Finder" to duplicate myPath to diskPath with replacing
    end if
end repeat

答案 2 :(得分:0)


property ignoredVolumes : {"Macintosh HD", "Time Machine Backups"}   -- add as needed
property counter : 0
tell application "System Events"
set rootVolume to disk item (POSIX file "/Volumes" as text)
set allVolumes to name of every disk item of rootVolume
set StartTime to (get current date)
repeat with aVolume in allVolumes
    if aVolume is not in ignoredVolumes then
        set newName to "XXX" & counter as string
        log newName & " in Progress... "
        set name of disk item (path of rootVolume & aVolume) to newName
        set counter to counter + 1
        set scr to ("cp ~/USB-Stick/* /Volumes/" & newName)
        do shell script scr
        set name of disk item (path of rootVolume & newName) to "XXX"
        do shell script "diskutil unmount /Volumes/XXX"
        log newName & " finished."
    end if
end repeat
set endTime to (get current date)
set dur to (endTime - StartTime)
display dialog "Process took " & dur & "seconds."
end tell


