
时间:2012-09-04 19:54:21

标签: string algorithm lcs



字符串1. afbcdfca

字符串2. bcadfcgyfka


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



 LCS( afbcdfca, acfdcbfa, bcadfcgyfka, akfygcfdacb) = afcfa


更新:不,这是一个反例:LCS(aba,aba,bab,bab)= ab,ba。 LCS不能确保子序列是回文,你可能需要添加这个约束。无论如何,LCS的递推方程是一个很好的起点。


答案 1 :(得分:2)


1)最佳子结构: 设X[0..n-1]为长度为n的输入序列,L(0, n-1)X[0..n-1].


如果X的最后和第一个字符相同,则为L(0, n-1) = L(1, n-2) + 2。等等,为什么,如果第二个和第二个到最后一个字符不是 同样,最后和第一次同样不会没用。不,这个“后续”不一定是连续的。

/* Driver program to test above functions */
int main()
    char seq[] = "panamamanap";
    int n = strlen(seq);
    printf ("The lnegth of the LPS is %d", lps(seq, 0, n-1));
    return 0;

int lps(char *seq, int i, int j)
    // Base Case 1: If there is only 1 character   
    if (i == j)     
        return 1;    

    // Base Case 2: If there are only 2 characters and both are same   
    if (seq[i] == seq[j] && i + 1 == j)     
        return 2;    

    // If the first and last characters match   
    if (seq[i] == seq[j])      
        return lps (seq, i+1, j-1) + 2;    

    // If the first and last characters do not match   
    else return max( lps(seq, i, j-1), lps(seq, i+1, j) );


               L(0, 5)
             /        \ 
            /          \  
        L(1,5)          L(0,4)
       /    \            /    \
      /      \          /      \
  L(2,5)    L(1,4)  L(1,4)  L(0,3)

在上面的部分递归树中,L(1, 4)被解决了两次。如果我们绘制完整的递归树,那么我们可以看到有 许多子问题一次又一次地得到解决。像其他典型的动态编程(DP)问题一样,重新计算相同的子问题 可以通过自下而上的方式构建临时数组L[][]来避免。


int lps(char *str)
   int n = strlen(str);
   int i, j, cl;
   int L[n][n];  // Create a table to store results of subproblems

   // Strings of length 1 are palindrome of length 1
   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      L[i][i] = 1;

    for (cl=2; cl<=n; cl++)                              //again this is the length of chain we are considering
        for (i=0; i<n-cl+1; i++)                         //start at i
            j = i+cl-1;                                  //end at j
            if (str[i] == str[j] && cl == 2)             //if only 2 characters and they are the same then set L[i][j] = 2
               L[i][j] = 2;
            else if (str[i] == str[j])                   //if greater than length 2 and first and last characters match, add 2 to the calculated value of the center stripped of both ends
               L[i][j] = L[i+1][j-1] + 2;
               L[i][j] = max(L[i][j-1], L[i+1][j]);      //if not match, then take max of 2 possibilities

    return L[0][n-1];


答案 2 :(得分:0)

与此问题相同: http://code.google.com/codejam/contest/1781488/dashboard#s=p2


在下面的代码中,我给你一个cd(s)方法(它返回一个char dict,它告诉你字符串中的下一个或前一个char是等于该char的位置)。使用它来实现动态编程解决方案,我也为您提供了示例代码。

使用动态编程时,只有len(s1)* len(s1)/ 2状态,因此可以使用order(N ^ 2)。

我们的想法是从s1获取一个char或不接受它。 如果你将char取下s1,你必须从前面和后面(s1和s2)取下它。如果你不接受它,你继续前进1.(这意味着s2的状态与s1的状态保持同步,因为你总是贪婪地从两者的外部 - 所以你只担心s1可以有多少个状态)。

此代码可以帮助您完成大部分工作。 cd1(char dict 1)帮助你找到s1中的下一个字符,它等于你所在的字符(向前和向后)。

在递归的solve()方法中,你需要决定start1,end1 ..等应该是什么。每次拿一个角色时加总2(除非start1 == end1 - 然后加1)

s1 = "afbcdfca"
s2 = "bcadfcgyfka"

def cd(s):
    """returns dictionary d where d[i] = j where j is the next occurrence of character i"""
    char_dict = {}
    last_pos = {}
    for i, char in enumerate(s):
        if char in char_dict:
            _, forward, backward = char_dict[char]
            pos = last_pos[char]
            forward[pos] = i
            backward[i] = pos
            last_pos[char] = i
            first, forward, backward = i, {}, {}
            char_dict[char] = (first, forward, backward)
            last_pos[char] = i
    return char_dict

print cd(s1)
"""{'a': ({0: 7}, {7: 0}), 'c': ({3: 6}, {6: 3}), 'b': ({}, {}), 'd': ({}, {}), 'f': ({1: 5}, {5: 1})}"""

cd1, cd2 = cd(s1), cd(s2)

cache = {}
def solve(start1, end1, start2, end2):
    state = (start1, end1)
    answer = cache.get(state, None)
    if answer:
        return answer

    if start1 < end1:
        return 0
    c1s, c1e = s1[start1], s1[end1]
    c2s, c2e = s2[start2], s2[end2]

    #if any of c1s, c1e, c2s, c2e are equal and you don't take, you must
    #skip over those characters too:
    dont_take_end1 = solve(start1, end1 - 1, start2, end2)

    do_take_end1 = 2
    if do_take_end1:
        end1_char = s1[end1]
        #start1 = next character along from start1 that equals end1_char
        #end1 = next char before end1 that equals end1_char
        #end2 = next char before end2 that..
        #start2 = next char after .. that ..
        do_take_end1 += solve(start1, end1, start2, end2)

    answer = cache[state] = max(dont_take_end1, do_take_end1)
    return answer

print solve(0, len(s1), 0, len(s2))