T-SQL SELECT查询返回多个表的组合结果

时间:2012-08-23 00:07:04

标签: sql-server sql-server-2008 tsql




CREATE TABLE tblCourse (CourseId int, CourseName varchar(50))
CREATE TABLE tblOffering (OfferingId int, CourseId int, LocationId int, AwardId int)
CREATE TABLE tblLocation (LocationId int, LocationName varchar(50))
CREATE TABLE tblAward (AwardId int, AwardName varchar(50))

INSERT INTO tblCourse VALUES (1, 'Course A')
INSERT INTO tblCourse VALUES (2, 'Course B')

INSERT INTO tblOffering VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1)
INSERT INTO tblOffering VALUES (2, 1, 2, 1)
INSERT INTO tblOffering VALUES (3, 1, 3, 1)
INSERT INTO tblOffering VALUES (4, 1, 1, 2)
INSERT INTO tblOffering VALUES (5, 2, 3, 1)

INSERT INTO tblLocation VALUES (1, 'Location A')
INSERT INTO tblLocation VALUES (2, 'Location B')
INSERT INTO tblLocation VALUES (3, 'Location C')

INSERT INTO tblAward VALUES (1, 'Award A')
INSERT INTO tblAward VALUES (2, 'Award B')

我想从SQL检索的是每个课程/奖励组合的单行。每行都有每个位置的列以及该CourseId / AwardId组合的课程是否可用。现在将有没有产品的课程/奖励组合的行。


CourseId | CourseName | AwardId | AwardName | LocationA | LocationB | LocationC
1        | Course A   | 1       | Award A   | True      | True      | True
1        | Course A   | 2       | Award B   | True      | NULL      | NULL
2        | Course B   | 1       | Award A   | NULL      | NULL      | True





NB。我正在使用SQL Server 2008

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


declare @tblCourse as table (CourseId int, CourseName varchar(50)) 
declare @tblOffering as table (OfferingId int, CourseId int, LocationId int, AwardId int) 
declare @tblLocation as table (LocationId int, LocationName varchar(50))
declare @tblAward as table (AwardId int, AwardName varchar(50)) 

INSERT INTO @tblCourse VALUES (1, 'Course A') 
INSERT INTO @tblCourse VALUES (2, 'Course B') 

INSERT INTO @tblOffering VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1) 
INSERT INTO @tblOffering VALUES (2, 1, 2, 1) 
INSERT INTO @tblOffering VALUES (3, 1, 3, 1) 
INSERT INTO @tblOffering VALUES (4, 1, 1, 2) 
INSERT INTO @tblOffering VALUES (5, 2, 3, 1) 

INSERT INTO @tblLocation VALUES (1, 'Location A') 
INSERT INTO @tblLocation VALUES (2, 'Location B') 
INSERT INTO @tblLocation VALUES (3, 'Location C') 

INSERT INTO @tblAward VALUES (1, 'Award A') 
INSERT INTO @tblAward VALUES (2, 'Award B') -- This had id 1 in your example.

-- Set the following parameters to control paging:
declare @PageSize as Int = 5
declare @PageNumber as Int = 1

; with CourseAwardSummary as (
  select distinct C.CourseId, C.CourseName, A.AwardId, A.AwardName,
    case when exists ( select 42 from @tblOffering where CourseId = C.CourseId and AwardId = A.AwardId and LocationId = 1 ) then 'True' end as LocationA,
    case when exists ( select 42 from @tblOffering where CourseId = C.CourseId and AwardId = A.AwardId and LocationId = 2 ) then 'True' end as LocationB,
    case when exists ( select 42 from @tblOffering where CourseId = C.CourseId and AwardId = A.AwardId and LocationId = 3 ) then 'True' end as LocationC
  from @tblCourse as C inner join
    @tblOffering as O on O.CourseId = C.CourseId inner join
    @tblAward as A on A.AwardId = O.AwardId
  CourseAwardSummaryRows as (
    select *, Row_Number() over ( order by CourseName, AwardName ) as RowNumber
      from CourseAwardSummary
    select CourseId, CourseName, AwardId, AwardName, LocationA, LocationB, LocationC
  from CourseAwardSummaryRows
  where ( @PageNumber - 1 ) * @PageSize + 1 <= RowNumber and RowNumber <= @PageNumber * @PageSize
  order by CourseName, AwardName

答案 1 :(得分:3)


        ,@query varchar(1024)
        ,@True varchar(6)

@Columns + ',[' + L.LocationName + ']',
'[' + L.LocationName +']'
FROM tblLocation L

SELECT @True = '''True'''

                 , pvt.*
            ,O.AwardID AS AID
            ,O.CourseID AS CID
            ,L.LocationName AS LID
       FROM tblOffering O Inner Join tblLocation L on L.LocationID = O.LocationID) AS S
    count(oID) For LID IN (' +@COLUMNS+ ')
) As pvt
inner join tblCourse C on C.CourseID = CID
inner join tblAward A on A.AwardID = pvt.AID'


答案 2 :(得分:1)


select c.CourseId, c.CourseName, oa.AwardId, oa.AwardName,
       oa.LocationA, oa.LocationB, oa.LocationC
from tblCourse c left outer join
     (select o.CourseId, o.AwardId, a.awardName
             max(case when LocationName = 'Location A' then 'true' end) as LocationA,
             max(case when LocationName = 'Location B' then 'true' end) as LocationB,
             max(case when LocationName = 'Location C' then 'true' end) as LocationC
      from tblOffering o join
           tblLocation l
           on o.LocationId = l.LocationId join
           tblAward a
           on a.awardID = o.AwardId
      group by o.CourseId, o.AwardId, a.awardName
     ) oa
     on oa.CourseId = c.CourseId