
时间:2012-08-22 14:56:23

标签: c# caching httpcontext.cache

我正在使用.net 4.0 HttpContext.Current.Cache.Add()将对象插入到我的应用程序的缓存中。在.aspx控制面板页面中,我想显示所有缓存对象及其在插入时指定的相应过期日期。怎么做?

1 个答案:

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如果我理解你,你想显示插入的静态截止日期,对吧?如果是这样,您只需存储过期日期并将其传递给控制面板。如果您使用的是asp.net mvc,则可以将此日期作为ViewModel的属性发送。让我举一个我正在谈论的例子:

public DateTime InsertItemOnCache(object item, DateTime expiration)

    DateTime dateExpiration;
    //Here you construct your cache key. 
    //You can use your asp.net sessionID if you want to your cache 
    //to be for a single user.
    var key = string.Format("{0}--{1}", "Test", "NewKey");

    if (expiration != null)
        dateExpiration = expiration;
        //Set your default time
        dateExpiration = DateTime.Now.AddHours(4);
    //I recommend using Insert over Add, since add will return null if there are
    //2 objects with the same key
    HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(key, item, null, dateExpiration, Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);

    return dateExpiration;
