我在Microsoft Access 2010中运行查询,正常运行需要30多分钟。我想向最终用户呈现查询的一些状态。进度条会很好,但不是必需的。访问似乎线程很差,并且在查询执行期间锁定紧张,否定我尝试的任何更新。虽然我宁愿鞭打VS并编写我自己的应用程序来执行此操作,但我不得不使用Access。
答案 0 :(得分:28)
Dim n As Long, db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
'Show the hour glass
DoCmd.Hourglass True
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT ...")
rs.MoveLast 'Needed to get the accurate number of records
'Show the progress bar
SysCmd acSysCmdInitMeter, "working...", rs.RecordCount
Do Until rs.EOF
'Do the work here ...
'Update the progress bar
n = n + 1
SysCmd acSysCmdUpdateMeter, n
'Keep the application responding (optional)
rs.Close: Set rs = Nothing
db.Close: Set db = Nothing
'Remove the progress bar
SysCmd acSysCmdRemoveMeter
'Show the normal cursor again
DoCmd.Hourglass False
答案 1 :(得分:15)
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
' By Adam Waller
' Last Modified: 12/16/05
'Private Const sngOffset As Single = 1.5 ' For Excel
Private Const sngOffset As Single = 15 ' For Access
Private mdblMax As Double ' max value of progress bar
Private mdblVal As Double ' current value of progress bar
Private mdblFullWidth As Double ' width of front label at 100%
Private mdblIncSize As Double
Private mblnHideCap As Boolean ' display percent complete
Private mobjParent As Object ' parent of back label
Private mlblBack As Access.Label ' existing label for back
Private mlblFront As Access.Label ' label created for front
Private mlblCaption As Access.Label ' progress bar caption
Private mdteLastUpdate As Date ' Time last updated
Private mblnNotSmooth As Boolean ' Display smooth bar by doevents after every update.
' This class displays a progress bar created
' from 3 labels.
' to use, just add a label to your form,
' and use this back label to position the
' progress bar.
Public Sub Initialize(BackLabel As Access.Label, FrontLabel As Access.Label, CaptionLabel As Access.Label)
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
Dim objParent As Object ' could be a form or tab control
Dim frm As Form
Set mobjParent = BackLabel.Parent
' set private variables
Set mlblBack = BackLabel
Set mlblFront = FrontLabel
Set mlblCaption = CaptionLabel
' set properties for back label
With mlblBack
.Visible = True
.SpecialEffect = 2 ' sunken. Seems to lose when not visible.
End With
' set properties for front label
With mlblFront
mdblFullWidth = mlblBack.Width - (sngOffset * 2)
.Left = mlblBack.Left + sngOffset
.Top = mlblBack.Top + sngOffset
.Width = 0
.Height = mlblBack.Height - (sngOffset * 2)
.Caption = ""
.BackColor = 8388608
.BackStyle = 1
.Visible = True
End With
' set properties for caption label
With mlblCaption
.Left = mlblBack.Left + 2
.Top = mlblBack.Top + 2
.Width = mlblBack.Width - 4
.Height = mlblBack.Height - 4
.TextAlign = 2 'fmTextAlignCenter
.BackStyle = 0 'fmBackStyleTransparent
.Caption = "0%"
.Visible = Not Me.HideCaption
.ForeColor = 16777215 ' white
End With
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Initialize", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
On Error Resume Next
mlblFront.Visible = False
mlblCaption.Visible = False
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Class_Terminate", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Sub
Public Property Get Max() As Double
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
Max = mdblMax
Exit Property
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Max", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Property
Public Property Let Max(ByVal dblMax As Double)
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
mdblMax = dblMax
Exit Property
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Max", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get Value() As Double
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
Value = mdblVal
Exit Property
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Value", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Property
Public Property Let Value(ByVal dblVal As Double)
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
'update only if change is => 1%
If (CInt(dblVal * (100 / mdblMax))) > (CInt(mdblVal * (100 / mdblMax))) Then
mdblVal = dblVal
mdblVal = dblVal
End If
Exit Property
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Value", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get IncrementSize() As Double
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
IncrementSize = mdblIncSize
Exit Property
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "IncrementSize", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Property
Public Property Let IncrementSize(ByVal dblSize As Double)
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
mdblIncSize = dblSize
Exit Property
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "IncrementSize", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Property
Public Property Get HideCaption() As Boolean
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
HideCaption = mblnHideCap
Exit Property
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "HideCaption", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Property
Public Property Let HideCaption(ByVal blnHide As Boolean)
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
mblnHideCap = blnHide
Exit Property
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "HideCaption", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Property
Private Sub Update()
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
Dim intPercent As Integer
Dim dblWidth As Double
'On Error Resume Next
intPercent = mdblVal * (100 / mdblMax)
dblWidth = mdblVal * (mdblFullWidth / mdblMax)
mlblFront.Width = dblWidth
mlblCaption.Caption = intPercent & "%"
'mlblFront.Parent.Repaint ' may not be needed
' Use white or black, depending on progress
If Me.Value > (Me.Max / 2) Then
mlblCaption.ForeColor = 16777215 ' white
mlblCaption.ForeColor = 0 ' black
End If
If mblnNotSmooth Then
If mdteLastUpdate <> Now Then
' update every second.
mdteLastUpdate = Now
End If
End If
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Update", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub Increment()
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
Dim dblVal As Double
dblVal = Me.Value
If dblVal < Me.Max Then
Me.Value = dblVal + 1
'Call Update
End If
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Increment", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub Clear()
On Error GoTo 0 ' Debug Mode
Call Class_Terminate
Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
LogErr Err, "clsLblProg", "Clear", Erl
Resume Next ' Resume at next line.
End Select
End Sub
Private Function ParentForm(ctlControl As Control) As String
' returns the name of the parent form
Dim objParent As Object
Set objParent = ctlControl
Do While Not TypeOf objParent Is Form
Set objParent = objParent.Parent
' Now we should have the parent form
ParentForm = objParent.Name
End Function
Public Property Get Smooth() As Boolean
' Display the progress bar smoothly.
' True by default, this property allows the call
' to doevents after every increment.
' If False, it will only update once per second.
' (This may increase speed for fast progresses.)
' negative to set default to true
Smooth = mblnNotSmooth
End Property
Public Property Let Smooth(ByVal IsSmooth As Boolean)
mblnNotSmooth = Not IsSmooth
End Property
Private Sub LogErr(objErr, strMod, strProc, intLine)
' For future use.
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:1)
If pbar Is Nothing Then
Set pbar = New pBar_sub
pbar.init Me.Progressbar_border, Me.ProgressBar_Bar
End If
pbar.value = 0
pbar.max = 145 ' number of interations
Do While Not recset.EOF
count = count + 1
pbar.value = count
' get next
可以将状态行与宣布正在处理的元素的进度条相关联。喜欢: 123.区SomeWhere,销售代理WhomEver
========进度条代替pBar_sub ==============
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim position As Long
Dim maximum As Long
Dim increment As Single
Dim border As Object
Dim bar As Object
Sub init(rect As Object, b As Object)
Set border = rect
Set bar = b
bar.width = 0
End Sub
Sub hide()
bar.visible = False
border.visible = False
End Sub
Sub show()
bar.visible = True
border.visible = True
End Sub
Property Get Max() As Integer
Max = maximum
End Property
Property Let Max(val As Integer)
maximum = val
increment = border.width / val
End Property
Property Get value() As Integer
value = position
End Property
Property Let value(val As Integer)
position = val
bar.width = increment * value
End Property
答案 3 :(得分:1)
在更新进度条(acSysCmdUpdateMeter)后使用命令 DoEvents 。
答案 4 :(得分:0)
这不是一种专业方式,但如果您喜欢,可以应用。 如果您使用的是表格 您可以在方便的位置使用一个小文本框,默认为绿色。
Name : TxtProcessing
Visible : Yes
Back color : Green
Locked: Yes
Enter Key Behavior : Default
1)在您的VB脚本中,您可以将Me.TxtProcessing.BackColor = vbRed
3)最后你可以放Me.TxtProcessing.BackColor = vbGreen
Me.TxtProcessing.BackColor = vbRed
Your Code here.....
Me.TxtProcessing.BackColor = vbGreen
答案 5 :(得分:0)
如果你的代码较少,也可能是很酷的用户界面。看看我的GitHub for Progressbar for VBA
答案 6 :(得分:-2)
首先在MS Access窗体中拖动渐进式条形控件,然后更改渐进式条形图的名称,如aa
中的计时器form property