
时间:2012-08-09 10:31:43

标签: sql sql-server-2008 tsql ado.net


Code | Ordered | Cut01 | Cut02 | Cut03 | Confirmed
8832     10        1        1      3        5
8821     12        0        1      2        9
8122     20       10        0      0       10
8901     11        0        8      1        2

如何为每个Code分隔行,其中有Cuts*个<> 0 并将自己增加为:

Code | Ordered | Cut01 | Cut02 | Cut03 | Confirmed
8832      1        1        0      0        0
8832      1        0        1      0        0
8832      8        0        0      3        5
8821      1        0        1      0        0
8821     11        0        0      2        9
8122     20       10        0      0       10
8901      8        0        8      0        0
8901      3        0        0      1        2

Confirmed = Ordered - Cut01 - Cut02 - Cut03

正如您在结果表中看到的,每个代码的Ordered的总和=从第一个表中为此代码订购,它也适用于Confirmed的总和。 但是在每一行中我只有一个Cut不等于0。 我怎么能用T-SQL做到这一点?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

  CASE WHEN sub_row = 1 THEN cut01
       WHEN sub_row = 2 THEN cut02
       WHEN sub_row = 3 THEN ordered - cut01 - cut02 END     Ordered,
  CASE WHEN sub_row = 1 THEN cut01     ELSE 0 END            cut01,
  CASE WHEN sub_row = 2 THEN cut02     ELSE 0 END            cut02,
  CASE WHEN sub_row = 3 THEN cut03     ELSE 0 END            cut03,
  CASE WHEN sub_row = 3 THEN confirmed ELSE 0 END            confirmed
  (          SELECT 1 AS sub_row
   UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS sub_row
   UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS sub_row ) AS multiplier_table
     (sub_row = 1 AND cut01 > 0)
  OR (sub_row = 2 AND cut02 > 0)
  OR (sub_row = 3 AND cut03 > 0)
  OR (sub_row = 3 AND cut01 = 0 AND cut02 = 0 AND cut03 = 0)

答案 1 :(得分:2)

我看到你已经有了你的解决方案,但我只是觉得自从我写完之后我会添加另一个版本: - )

       conf + Cut01 + Cut02 + Cut03 AS Ordered, 
       Cut01, Cut02, Cut03, conf AS Confirmed
         SELECT Code, Cut01, 0 AS Cut02, 0 AS Cut03, 
           CASE WHEN Cut01<>0 AND Cut02=0 AND Cut03=0 
             THEN Confirmed ELSE 0 END conf FROM MyTable

   UNION SELECT Code, 0 AS Cut01, Cut02, 0 AS Cut03, 
           CASE WHEN Cut02<>0 AND Cut03=0 
             THEN Confirmed ELSE 0 END conf FROM MyTable

   UNION SELECT Code, 0 AS Cut01, 0 AS Cut02, Cut03, 
           CASE WHEN Cut03<>0 OR Cut01=0 AND Cut02=0 AND Cut03=0
             THEN Confirmed ELSE 0 END conf FROM MyTable
  ) a
WHERE conf + Cut01 + Cut02 + Cut03<>0 ORDER BY Code

答案 2 :(得分:1)


declare @Table as Table ( Number Int )
insert into @Table ( Number ) values ( 2 ), ( 5 )

; with Numbers as (
  select 1 as Number
  union all
  select Number + 1
    from Numbers
    where Number < 100
select *
  from @Table as T inner join
    Numbers as N on N.Number <= T.Number


答案 3 :(得分:1)


DECLARE @t TABLE (Code INT, Ordered INT, Cut01 INT, 
Cut02 INT, Cut03 INT, Confirmed INT)
(8832,10,   1,   1, 3,   5)
,(8821,12,   0,   1, 2,   9)
,(8122,20,  10,   0, 0,  10)
,(8901,11,   0,   8, 1,   2)
,(1000,2,   0,   0, 0,   2)

;WITH x AS (
    SELECT  a.Code,
            CASE WHEN ColName = 'Cut01' THEN u.Value ELSE 0 END Cut01,
            CASE WHEN ColName = 'Cut02' THEN u.Value ELSE 0 END Cut02,
            CASE WHEN ColName = 'Cut03' THEN u.Value ELSE 0 END Cut03
    FROM    @t a
    JOIN    (
                SELECT  Value,
                FROM    @t
                (Value FOR ColName IN (Cut01, Cut02, Cut03)) unpvt
            ) u ON u.Code = a.Code
), y AS
    SELECT  *,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER 
                (PARTITION BY Code ORDER BY Cut01 , Cut02 , Cut03) 
                AS LastRowForCode
    FROM    x
    WHERE   Cut01 <> 0 OR Cut02 <> 0 OR Cut03 <> 0
), z AS
    SELECT  COALESCE(y.Code, b.Code) Code,
            COALESCE(y.Cut01, b.Cut01) Cut01,
            COALESCE(y.Cut02, b.Cut02) Cut02,
            COALESCE(y.Cut03, b.Cut03) Cut03,
            CASE WHEN Confirmed IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE Confirmed END 
                AS Confirmed
    FROM    y
    FULL    JOIN    
            @t b ON 
            b.Code = y.Code
            AND y.LastRowForCode = 1

        Confirmed + Cut01 + Cut02 + Cut03 Ordered,
FROM    z
ORDER BY Code DESC, Cut01 DESC , Cut02 DESC, Cut03 DESC