
时间:2012-08-07 13:25:15

标签: jquery html css jquery-animate clip

我想用jQuery的clip: rect为css属性.animate()制作动画,但是无法在任何地方找到它。试过了:

$(".img1").animate({ clip: "rect(1px, 945px, 499px, 1px)"



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)

一切皆有可能,但可能有更简单的方法可以在不使用clip的情况下做你想做的事情,但是如果你使用jQuery animate的fx.step函数,你可以动画任何东西,但你需要做一些计算以确定值和东西,但它是这样的:

  fontSize: 100 //some unimportant CSS to animate so we get some values
  step: function(now, fx) { //now is the animated value from initial css value
      $(this).css('clip', 'rect(0px, '+now+'px, '+now+'px, 0px)')
}, 10000);


答案 1 :(得分:4)



* jquery.animate.clip.js
* jQuery css clip animation support -- Joshua Poehls
* version 0.1.4

* forked from Jim Palmer's plugin http://www.overset.com/2008/08/07/jquery-css-clip-animation-plugin/
* idea spawned from jquery.color.js by John Resig
* Released under the MIT license.
(function (jQuery) {

    function getStyle(elem, name) {
        return (elem.currentStyle && elem.currentStyle[name]) || elem.style[name];

    function getClip(elem) {
        var cssClip = $(elem).css('clip') || '';

        if (!cssClip) {
            // Try to get the clip rect another way for IE8.
            // This is a workaround for jQuery's css('clip') returning undefined
            // when the clip is defined in an external stylesheet in IE8. -JPOEHLS
            var pieces = {
                top: getStyle(elem, 'clipTop'),
                right: getStyle(elem, 'clipRight'),
                bottom: getStyle(elem, 'clipBottom'),
                left: getStyle(elem, 'clipLeft')

            if (pieces.top && pieces.right && pieces.bottom && pieces.left) {
                cssClip = 'rect(' + pieces.top + ' ' + pieces.right + ' ' + pieces.bottom + ' ' + pieces.left + ')';

        // Strip commas and return.
        return cssClip.replace(/,/g, ' ');

    jQuery.fx.step.clip = function (fx) {
        if (fx.pos === 0) {
            var cRE = /rect\(([0-9\.]{1,})(px|em)[,]?\s+([0-9\.]{1,})(px|em)[,]?\s+([0-9\.]{1,})(px|em)[,]?\s+([0-9\.]{1,})(px|em)\)/;

            fx.start = cRE.exec(getClip(fx.elem));
            if (typeof fx.end === 'string') {
                fx.end = cRE.exec(fx.end.replace(/,/g, ' '));
        if (fx.start && fx.end) {
            var sarr = new Array(), earr = new Array(), spos = fx.start.length, epos = fx.end.length,
                emOffset = fx.start[ss + 1] == 'em' ? (parseInt($(fx.elem).css('fontSize')) * 1.333 * parseInt(fx.start[ss])) : 1;
            for (var ss = 1; ss < spos; ss += 2) { sarr.push(parseInt(emOffset * fx.start[ss])); }
            for (var es = 1; es < epos; es += 2) { earr.push(parseInt(emOffset * fx.end[es])); }
            fx.elem.style.clip = 'rect(' +
                parseInt((fx.pos * (earr[0] - sarr[0])) + sarr[0]) + 'px ' +
                parseInt((fx.pos * (earr[1] - sarr[1])) + sarr[1]) + 'px ' +
                parseInt((fx.pos * (earr[2] - sarr[2])) + sarr[2]) + 'px ' +
                parseInt((fx.pos * (earr[3] - sarr[3])) + sarr[3]) + 'px)';

答案 2 :(得分:2)

@Shivan Raptor

要控制持续时间,请在步骤属性前添加 持续时间:3000, 。因此,代码将声明:

$('#A').on('click', function() {

      fontSize: 1
      step: function(now, fx) {
          $(this).css('clip', 'rect(0px, '+(now+30)+'px, '+(now+30)+'px, 0px)')
    }, 1000);

