<form action="#" id="form1" method="post">
<h3>Here’s what I want:<strong class="result1"></strong></h3>
<span><input type="radio" value="Cash Back rewards" name="want" id="01" /><label for="01">Cash Back rewards</label></span>
<span><input type="radio" value="Travel rewards" name="want" id="02" /><label for="02">Travel rewards</label></span>
<span><input type="radio" value="Gas rewards" name="want" id="03" /><label for="03">Gas rewards</label></span>
<span><input type="radio" value="Shopping rewards" name="want" id="04" /><label for="04">Shopping rewards</label></span>
<h3>Here’s my credit story: <strong class="result2"></strong></h3>
<span><input type="radio" value="I’m new to credit" name="story" id="05" /><label for="05">I’m new to credit</label></span>
<span><input type="radio" value="I pay my bills on time" name="story" id="06" /><label for="06">I pay my bills on time</label></span>
<span><input type="radio" value="I’ve had credit issues in the past" name="07" id="issues" /><label id="07">I’ve had credit issues in the past</label></span>
<h3>Here’s what I carry:</h3>
<span><input type="radio" value="I have a credit card with a good record" name="carry" id="08" /><label for="08">I have a credit card with a good record</label></span>
<span><input type="radio" value="I don’t have a credit card with a good record" name="carry" id="09" /><label for="09">I don’t have a credit card with a good record</label></span>
<input type="submit" value="" name="" class="find" />
答案 0 :(得分:1)
$(':radio').on('change', function(e) {
var len = $(':radio:checked').length;
if( len === 3 ) {
$('input[type=submit].find').prop('disabled', false);
<强> DEMO
答案 1 :(得分:0)
$(document).on('change', 'input[type=radio]', function(){
if ($('input[type=radio]:checked').length == 4) {
$('input[type=submit]').prop('disabled', false)
<span><input type="radio" value="I’m new to credit" name="story" id="05" /><label for="05">I’m new to credit</label></span>
<span><input type="radio" value="I pay my bills on time" name="story" id="06" /><label for="06">I pay my bills on time</label></span>
<span><input type="radio" value="I’ve had credit issues in the past" name="07" id="issues" /><label id="07">I’ve had credit issues in the past</label></span>
答案 2 :(得分:0)
$('input[type=radio]').on('change', function(){
$('input[name=want]').is(':checked') &&
$('input[name=story]').is(':checked') &&
$('input[type=submit]').prop('disabled', false)