
时间:2012-08-06 01:47:44

标签: scala pattern-matching

我问earlier question我得到了一个很好的答案。在评论中,Travis提到比较两个HandValue不会直接起作用,但可以使用模式匹配来确保比较同一个类。

  sealed abstract class HandValue[T <: HandValue[T]](val rank: Int) extends Ordered[T]
  case class HighCard(high: Int) extends HandValue[HighCard](0){
    def compare(that: HighCard) = this.high - that.high

  case class TwoPair(high: Int, big: Int, sm: Int) extends HandValue[TwoPair](2) {
    def compare (that: TwoPair) = { ... }

在下面尝试的模式匹配中,我有一个编译时错误,我怀疑它与使用HandValue[_]有关。 val h1: HandValue[T <: HandValue[T]]类似于声明类型的方式,无效。有办法解决这些问题吗?

  val ans = sessions count {
    hands: (Hand, Hand) => {
      val h1: HandValue[_] = handValue(hands._1)
      val h2: HandValue[_] = handValue(hands._2)
      (h1, h2) match { // <-- Line as source of error
        case _ if h1.rank > h2.rank => true
        case (a: HighCard, b: HighCard) => a > b
        case (a: TwoPair, b: TwoPair) => a > b
        // etc..


error: type arguments [_$3] do not conform to class HandValue's type parameter bounds [T <:[T]]
(h1, h2) match {

编辑2:正如this question中所述,使用Type[_]将无效。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



sealed abstract class HandValue(val strength: Seq[Int]) extends Ordered[HandValue] {
  import math.Ordering.Implicits.seqDerivedOrdering
  def compare(that: HandValue) = 
    Ordering[Seq[Int]].compare(this.strength, that.strength)

case class HighCard(high1: Int, high2: Int, high3: Int, high4: Int, high5: Int ) 
  extends HandValue(Seq(0, high1, high2, high3, high4, high5))

case class TwoPair(high: Int, big: Int, sm: Int) 
  extends HandValue(Seq(2, big, sm, high))

val ans = sessions count { hands => 
  handValue(hands._1) > handValue(hands._2)

