
时间:2012-08-03 10:21:21

标签: perl encryption passwords

我正在编写 Perl脚本,需要连接到 SMTP服务器才能发送邮件,但我真的不喜欢这种事情:

my $pass = '123456';

我找到 Data :: Encrypted ,这应该允许用户第一次提示它,然后加密存储。

use Data::Encrypted file => ".passwd", qw(encrypted);
my $password = encrypted('password');





4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)



# Rijndael is also known as AES, which is the encryption standard used by the NSA
use Crypt::Rijndael;
use IO::Prompter;

# This secret is exactly 32 bytes long, you could prompt for this as a
# passphrase or something and pad it with spaces or whatever you need
my $app_secret = 'this_is_the_key_the_app_uses....';

# Setup the encryption system
my $crypto = Crypt::Rijndael->new( $app_secret, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC() );

# Ask the user to enter the password the first time
my $password = prompt "password: ", -echo => ''; # from IO::Prompter

# Encrypt the password. You can save this off into a file however you need to
my $enc_password = $crypto->encrypt($password);

# Later load it from the file and decrypt it:
my $password = $crypto->decrypt($password);


答案 1 :(得分:3)

当您处理一个脚本,该脚本在没有任何用户交互的情况下向服务发送纯文本密码时,您已经注定失败了。您将带来的任何解决方案都只是默默无闻的安全性。你可以像zostay那样提供解决方案。但这相当于购买了最先进的保险库,但却把钥匙放在垫子底下并贴上了文字:“检查垫子上的钥匙!”到前门。看,我将只复制脚本,grep为密码。然后我会找到my $password = $crypto->decrypt($password);之类的行,并将warn $password;放在下面一行并运行脚本。而已。我不关心你使用什么算法,我不关心你在哪里以及如何存储密码。你可以让我更难,但我的努力破解总是比努力努力的几个数量级。你的脚本是关键。看看这个电影业。他们花了数十亿美元与一堆愚蠢的垃圾一起来。他们最终得到了特殊的硬件,甚至电缆都有自己的密钥。爆笑!它只是骚扰公平用户。


答案 2 :(得分:3)


sub smtp_passwd(){
    #The secret pass phrase
    my $app_secret = 'd.<,3eJ8sh[(#@1jHD829J,Z!*dGsH34';

    #password file name
    my $passwd_file_name = ".passwd";

    # Setup the encryption system
    my $crypto = Crypt::Rijndael->new( $app_secret, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC() );

    #File Handler
    my $passwd_file;

    #If we cannot open the password file we initiate a new one
    unless ( open ( $passwd_file, '<', $passwd_file_name) ) {

        #Create a new file in write mode
        open ( $passwd_file, '>', $passwd_file_name);

        # Ask the user to enter the password the first time
        my $password = prompt "password: ", -echo => ''; # from IO::Prompter

        #Password must be multiple of 16 (we deliberately chose 16)
        my $pass_length = 16;

        #If password is to short we complete with blank
        $password = $password." "x ($pass_length - length ( $password ) ) if ( length ( $password ) < $pass_length );

        #If password is to long we cut it
        $password = substr ( $password, 0, $pass_length ) if ( length ( $password ) > $pass_length );

        #Encryption of the password
        my $enc_password = $crypto->encrypt($password);

        #we save the password in a file
        print $passwd_file $enc_password;

        #we close the file ( Writing mode )
        close $passwd_file;

        #Reopen the file in reading mode
        open ( $passwd_file, '<', $passwd_file_name)

    #Loading the password en decrypt it
    my $password = $crypto->decrypt( <$passwd_file> );

    #Close the file
    close $passwd_file;

    #Return the password ( Here the password is not protected )
    return $password;

答案 3 :(得分:0)


use Crypt::Rijndael;
use IO::Prompter;
use Crypt::CBC;
my $key = "a" x 32;
my $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -cipher => 'Rijndael', -key => $key );
my @plaintext;
my @ciphertext;

#password file name
#my $file_name = ".crypt";
my $file_name = ".crypt";
#File Handler
my $file;

#If we cannot open the password file we initiate a new one
unless ( open ( $file, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $file_name) ) { #<:encoding(UTF-8)
#Create a new file in write mode
    open ( $file, '>', $file_name);
    $plaintext[0]= prompt "Username:";
    $plaintext[1]= prompt "Password:", -echo => '';
    print "#################################################################################\n";
    print "# User credentials will be encrypted and stored in .crypt file and same is      #\n"; 
    print "# reused next time.  If you need to add new user credentials delete the .crypt  #\n";
    print "# file and re run the same script.                                              #\n";
    print "#################################################################################\n";
    $plaintext[0]=~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
    $plaintext[1]=~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;

    while($plaintext[0] =~ /^\s*$/){
    $plaintext[0]= prompt "Username is mandatory:";
    $plaintext[0]=~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
    while($plaintext[1] =~ /^\s*$/){
    $plaintext[1]= prompt "Password is mandatory:";
    $plaintext[1]=~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;

    $ciphertext[0] = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext[0]);
    $ciphertext[1] = $cipher->encrypt($plaintext[1]);

    #we save the password in a file
    print $file $ciphertext[0];

    #print $file "\n";
    #we save the password in a file
    print $file $ciphertext[1];
     #we close the file ( Writing mode )
    close $file;

    #Reopen the file in reading mode
    open ( $file, '<', $file_name)

 my @holder;
 my $content;
if (open( $file, '<', $file_name)) {
  #chomp(@holder = <$file>);
 local $/;
    $content = <$file>;

} else {
  warn "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
@holder = split(/(?=Salted__)/, $content);
  print "Encrypted username:",$holder[0];
  print "\n";
  print "Encrypted password:",$holder[1],"\n";

 #Loading the password en decrypt it
$plaintext[0] = $cipher->decrypt( $holder[0] );
$plaintext[1] = $cipher->decrypt( $holder[1] );

print "\n\n";

print 'Username is:',"$plaintext[0]\n";
print 'Password is:',"$plaintext[1]\n";
#Close the file
close $file;
