答案 0 :(得分:4)
使用事件和我编写的F#异步扩展(也包含在FSharpX包中)的扩展相对容易解决 - 扩展名为GuardedAwaitObservable
open System.Threading
module Async =
/// Returns an asynchronous workflow 'Async<Async<unit>>'. When called
/// using 'let!', it starts the workflow provided as an argument and returns
/// a token that can be used to cancel the started work - this is an
/// (asynchronously) blocking operation that waits until the workflow
/// is actually cancelled
let StartCancellable work = async {
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
// Creates an event used for notification
let evt = new Event<_>()
// Wrap the workflow with TryCancelled and notify when cancelled
Async.Start(Async.TryCancelled(work, ignore >> evt.Trigger), cts.Token)
// Return a workflow that waits for 'evt' and triggers 'Cancel'
// after it attaches the event handler (to avoid missing event occurrence)
let waitForCancel = Async.GuardedAwaitObservable evt.Publish cts.Cancel
return async.TryFinally(waitForCancel, cts.Dispose) }
以下是使用该方法的示例。 loop
/// Sample workflow that repeatedly starts and stops long running operation
let loop = async {
for i in 0 .. 9999 do
printfn "Starting: %d" i
do! Async.Sleep(1000)
printfn "Done: %d" i }
// Start the 'loop' workflow, wait for 5.5 seconds and then
// cancel it and wait until it finishes current operation
async { let! cancelToken = Async.StartCancellable(loop)
printfn "started"
do! Async.Sleep(5500)
printfn "cancelling"
do! cancelToken
printfn "done" }
|> Async.Start
为完整起见,具有FSharpX必要定义的样本为here on F# snippets。
答案 1 :(得分:4)
type Logic<'T> =
new : unit -> Logic<'T>
member Set : 'T -> unit
member Await : Async<'T>
type IWork =
abstract member Cancel : unit -> Async<unit>
let startWork (work: Async<unit>) =
let v = Logic<unit>()
let s = new CancellationTokenSource()
let main = async.TryFinally(work, fun () -> s.Dispose(); v.Set())
Async.Start(main, s.Token)
new IWork with
member this.Cancel() = s.Cancel(); v.Await
type LogicState<'T> =
| New
| Value of 'T
| Waiting of ('T -> unit)
type Logic<'T>() =
let lockRoot = obj ()
let mutable st = New
let update up =
let k =
lock lockRoot <| fun () ->
let (n, k) = up st
st <- n
k ()
let wait (k: 'T -> unit) =
update <| function
| New -> (Waiting k, ignore)
| Value value as st -> (st, fun () -> k value)
| Waiting f -> (Waiting (fun x -> f x; k x), ignore)
let await =
Async.FromContinuations(fun (ok, _, _) -> wait ok)
member this.Set<'T>(value: 'T) =
update <| function
| New -> (Value value, ignore)
| Value _ as st -> (st, ignore)
| Waiting f as st -> (Value value, fun () -> f value)
member this.Await = await