
时间:2012-07-20 07:13:04

标签: c osx-snow-leopard opencl gpgpu nvidia

我正在通过制作Matrix dot产品实现深入研究OpenCL。我遇到了让我的内核返回与主机相同的值的问题。


 /* This function runs the matrix dot product on whatever OpenCL device 
  * you specify 
cl_int OpenCL_MatrixMul(cl_device_id * device, cl_context * context, 
    cl_command_queue * commandQueue, cl_kernel * matrixMulKernel, float * A_h, 
    float * B_h, float * C_h, const cl_uint HeightA, const cl_uint WidthB, 
    const cl_uint WidthAHeightB)
    printf("Inside matrix mul, WidthA: %zu, WidthB: %zu, WidthAHeightB: %zu\n", 
        HeightA, WidthB, WidthAHeightB);

    //this error variable will record any errors found and will be returned 
    //by this function
    cl_int error = CL_SUCCESS;
    cl_int clEnqueueReadBuffer_error;

    //declare a place for the memory on the device, A is the A matrix, 
    //B is the B matrix, C is the C result matrix
    cl_mem A_d, B_d, C_d;               
    //this is a temporary value for holding the maximum work group size
    size_t maximum_local_ws;

    //variable for holding the number of work items per group
    size_t local_ws[2]; 
    //variable for holding the number of work items              
    size_t global_ws[2];            

    //calcuate work group and local size
    //get the maximum work group size for the kernel, i.e. set local_ws
    clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo((* matrixMulKernel), (* device), 
        CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(maximum_local_ws), 
        &maximum_local_ws, NULL);

    //find the largest integer, power of 2, square root, for maximum_local_ws 
    //that is less than or equal to 16
    for(size_t i = 1; (i * i) <= maximum_local_ws && i <= maxBlockSize; i *= 2)
        local_ws[0] = i;
        local_ws[1] = i;
    //calculate global work size
    global_ws[0] = WidthB;  
    global_ws[1] = HeightA;

    printf("Work group size calculated.\n");

    //Allocate global memory on the device
    //put A on the device
    A_d = clCreateBuffer ((* context), CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, 
        (WidthAHeightB * HeightA * sizeof(float)), A_h, &error);    
    //put B on the device   
    B_d = clCreateBuffer ((* context), CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, 
        (WidthB * WidthAHeightB * sizeof(float)), B_h, &error);
    //create a space for C on the device        
    C_d = clCreateBuffer ((* context), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 
        (HeightA * WidthB * sizeof(float)), NULL, &error);              

    printf("Global memory allocated.\n");

    if(error == CL_SUCCESS)
        //set the prarameters of the kernels
        //Put in A
        error  = clSetKernelArg((* matrixMulKernel), 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &A_d);
        //Put in B                                                  
        error |= clSetKernelArg((* matrixMulKernel), 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &B_d);
        //Put in C                                  
        error |= clSetKernelArg((* matrixMulKernel), 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &C_d);                          
        //Put in HeightA
        error |= clSetKernelArg((* matrixMulKernel), 3, sizeof(cl_uint), 
        //Put in WidthB
        error |= clSetKernelArg((* matrixMulKernel), 4, sizeof(cl_uint), 
        //Put in WidthAHeightB
        error |= clSetKernelArg((* matrixMulKernel), 5, sizeof(cl_uint),

        printf("Parameters added to the kernel.\n");

        if(error == CL_SUCCESS)
            //execute the kernel
            printf("Running Kernel, Local work size: %zu x %zu global worksize: 
            %zu x %zu, HeightA: %zu, WidthB: %zu, WidthAHeightB: %zu\n", 
                local_ws[0], local_ws[1], global_ws[0], global_ws[1], 
                HeightA, WidthB, WidthAHeightB);
            error = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel((* commandQueue),   
                (* matrixMulKernel), 1, NULL, global_ws, local_ws, 0, NULL, 

                printf("Kernel Ran.\n");

            if(error == CL_SUCCESS)
                 printf("Kernel Launched Successfully\n");
                printf("Kernel Not Launched\n");
        printf("Parameters not added to the kernel.\n");
    printf("Reading results back from device\n");

    //read the result back to the host system, (copy C_h to C_d)
    clEnqueueReadBuffer_error = clEnqueueReadBuffer((* commandQueue), C_d,  
        CL_TRUE, 0, HeightA * WidthB * sizeof(float), C_h, 0, NULL, NULL);

    //make sure we don't write over previous errors, if 
    //clEnqueueReadBuffer_error has an error
    if(error == CL_SUCCESS)
        error = clEnqueueReadBuffer_error;

    printf("Freeing device memory\n");

    //Free global memory on the device

    return error;



  添加到内核的参数   运行内核,本地工作尺寸:1 x 1全局工作尺寸:16 x 16,高度A:16,宽度B:140733193388048,宽度AHeightB:16
  Kernel Ran。
  内核成功发布   从设备读回结果



我使用Apple在Snow Leopard中的OpenCL实现在Mac OS X上进行编程。


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