
时间:2012-07-18 22:23:40

标签: javascript jquery jquery-mobile asp-classic

我被迫使用jQuery Mobile而且我有一些犹豫,即使它是一个结构合理的系统。所以,我有一个表单,当任何复选框发生变化时提交。客户端想要它,以便当他们点击一个页面时,页面等待提交一段时间,因此如果选择了另一个,则前一个请求不会被触发而新的请求会被触发。它本质上是为了使其不那么即时并允许更有效的过滤/请求。我的代码是这样的:

$( function() {

    var sForm = "form[name='Waves']",
        sCboxes = "input[type='checkbox']",
        sWaves = "";

    var $Cboxes = $(sForm + " " + sCboxes),
        sChecked = sCboxes + ":checked";

    $Cboxes.change( function(event) {

        var $this = $(this);

        if ( $this.attr("id") != "ClearAll" ) {


            console.debug('Changing page.');

            sWaves = "";

            // Form the string for the selected waves with standard check-if-it's-the-last
            // element logic for comma generation.

            $.each( $(sChecked) , function(i, v) {

                var $this = $(this);

                var iIndex = v.value;

                sWaves += iIndex + ( ( i == $(sChecked).length - 1 ) ? "" : "," );

            } );

            console.debug("Waves to select: " + sWaves);

            $.mobile.changePage("default.asp", {

                data: { Wave: sWaves },     // Submit the previously formed string

                type: "post"

            } );


        } else {

            $(sChecked).add( $(this) ).attr("checked", false).checkboxradio("refresh");

            $.mobile.changePage("default.asp", {

                data: { Wave: "" },

                type: "post"

            } );


    } );

    $("#ClearAll").click( function(event) {


    } );

    $(".slideout").click( function(){


    } );

} );


<form ACTION="<%=ASP_SELF()%>" ID="Waves" METHOD="post" NAME="Waves">

<% ' Put the scripts we need here so that it loads with the page. %>
<script SRC="/base/scripts/scripts.js"></script>

<fieldset DATA-ROLE="controlgroup" DATA-TYPE="horizontal" STYLE="margin-left:5px; margin-bottom:0px; ">
       <input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="#" ID="#" VALUE="Select Waves" CLASS="custom"   />
       <label CLASS="no-hover" FOR="#">&nbsp;Waves:&nbsp;</label>
       <input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Wave1" ID="Wave1" VALUE="1" CLASS="custom" STYLE="width:70px !important; " <% If Instr(request("Wave"),"1") OR WaveOne = "YES" Then response.write " checked=""checked""" End If %> />
       <label FOR="Wave1">&nbsp;1&nbsp;</label>
       <input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Wave2" ID="Wave2" VALUE="2" CLASS="custom" STYLE="width:70px !important; " <% If Instr(request("Wave"),"2") OR WaveTwo = "YES" Then response.write " checked=""checked""" End If %> />
       <label FOR="Wave2">&nbsp;2&nbsp;</label>
       <input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Wave3" ID="Wave3" VALUE="3" CLASS="custom" STYLE="width:70px !important; "<% If Instr(request("Wave"),"3") OR WaveThree = "YES" Then response.write " checked=""checked""" End If %> />
       <label FOR="Wave3">&nbsp;3&nbsp;</label>
       <input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Wave4" ID="Wave4" VALUE="4" CLASS="custom" STYLE="width:70px !important; "<% If Instr(request("Wave"),"4") OR WaveFour = "YES" Then response.write " checked=""checked""" End If %> />
       <label FOR="Wave4">&nbsp;4&nbsp;</label>

       <input TYPE="checkbox" NAME="ClearAll" ID="ClearAll" VALUE="Clear" CLASS="custom" $('input[data-type="search"]').TRIGGER("CHANGE").VAL(""); />
       <label FOR="ClearAll">&nbsp;Clear&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

var timer;
var waitTime = 2000;
$Cboxes.change( function(event) {


 timer = setTimeout(function(){
  //your logic


当触发更改事件时,要执行的操作计划在2000ms之后执行, 如果用户改变心态,只需清除间隔并制作一个新的

答案 1 :(得分:0)


$(function() {
    var $form = $("form[name='Waves']"),
        $Cboxes = $("input[type='checkbox']", $form),
        timer = null
        delay = 1000;

    $cboxes.not("#ClearAll").change(function() {

        // reset the current timer

        // create a new timer to delay form submission
        timer = window.setTimeout(function() {
            // get all the selected checkboxes as an array
            // and create a comma separated string
            var sWaves = $cboxes.is(":checked").map(function(item){
                return item.value;
            $.mobile.changePage("default.asp", {
                // Submit the previously formed string
                data: { Wave: sWaves },
                type: "post"

        }, delay);

    $("#ClearAll").change(function() {
        $cboxes.attr("checked", false).checkboxradio("refresh");

        $.mobile.changePage("default.asp", {
            data: { Wave: "" },
            type: "post"
        } );
