Age Interval Percent
18-20 35%
26-40 40 %
Select t.range as [age interval] , Count(*) as 'number of appereances' from
(Select case when age between 18 and 26 then '18-26'
when age between 26-40 then '26-40' end as range from employees) t
group by t.range
答案 0 :(得分:3)
select '18-20',
count(case when age between 18 and 20 then 1 end) * 100.0 / count(*)
from employees
union all
select '26-40',
count(case when age between 26 and 40 then 1 end) * 100.0 / count(*)
from employees
select cast(r.Start as varchar(3)) + '-' + cast(r.[End] as varchar(3)),
count(case when e.age between r.Start and r.[End] then 1 end) * 100.0 / (select count(*) from employees)
from (
select 18 as Start, 20 as [End]
union all
select 21 as Start, 25 as [End]
union all
select 26 as Start, 40 as [End]
) r
left outer join employees e on e.age between r.Start and r.[End]
group by cast(r.Start as varchar(3)) + '-' + cast(r.[End] as varchar(3))
答案 1 :(得分:1)
Select t.range as [age interval] , Count(*) as 'number of appereances',
cast(count(*)*100.0/tot as varchar(256))+'%' as 'percent'
from (Select (case when age between 18 and 26 then '18-26'
when age between 26 and 40 then '26-40'
end) as range,
count(*) over (partition by NULL) as tot
from employees) t
group by t.range
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
CAST(ROUND(count(case when 18 <= age and age < 26 then 1 end) * 100.0 / count(*),2)AS NUMERIC(8,2)) as '18-26'
,CAST(ROUND(count(case when 26 <= age and age < 40 then 1 end) * 100.0 / count(*),2)AS NUMERIC(8,2)) as '26-40'
From employees