我有一个包含6个列表对象的用户表单。所有列表对象都有命名范围行数据。单击任何一个列表中的任何一个项目将引用电子表格上的图表并清除任何项目单元格中不属于所选内容的内容(如果您感兴趣,可在此底部更好地解释)。我的所有列表对象都只有“After Update”触发器,其他所有内容都由私有子处理。
编辑:我最初没有发布代码,因为它基本上都是一个循环,并且有150多行。我不明白如果单步执行可以使代码完美运行,但允许它定期运行会使代码无限循环。无论如何,这是代码:Option Explicit
Dim arySelected(6) As String
Dim intHoldCol As Integer, intHoldRow As Integer
Dim strHold As String
Dim rngStyleFind As Range, rngStyleList As Range
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Set rngStyleList = Range("Lists_W_Style")
Set rngStyleFind = Range("CABI_FindStyle")
End Sub
Private Sub lstStyle_AfterUpdate()
If lstStyle.ListIndex >= 0 Then
arySelected(0) = lstStyle.Value
Call FilterCabinetOptions(Range("Lists_W_Style"), Range("CABI_FindStyle"), 0)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lstWood_AfterUpdate()
If lstWood.ListIndex >= 0 Then
arySelected(1) = lstWood.Value
Call FilterCabinetOptions(Range("Lists_W_Wood"), Range("CABI_FindWood"), 1)
' lstWood.RowSource = "Lists_W_Wood"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
Range("Lists_S_Style").Copy Destination:=Range("Lists_W_Style")
Call RemoveXes(Range("Lists_W_Style"))
Range("Lists_S_Wood").Copy Destination:=Range("Lists_W_Wood")
Call RemoveXes(Range("Lists_W_Wood"))
Range("Lists_S_Door").Copy Destination:=Range("Lists_W_Door")
Call RemoveXes(Range("Lists_W_Door"))
Range("Lists_S_Color").Copy Destination:=Range("Lists_W_Color")
Call RemoveXes(Range("Lists_W_Color"))
Range("Lists_S_Glaze").Copy Destination:=Range("Lists_W_Glaze")
Call RemoveXes(Range("Lists_W_Glaze"))
Range("Lists_S_Const").Copy Destination:=Range("Lists_W_Const")
Call RemoveXes(Range("Lists_W_Const"))
Range("Lists_S_DrawFrontConst").Copy Destination:=Range("Lists_W_DrawFrontConst")
Call RemoveXes(Range("Lists_W_DrawFrontConst"))
End Sub
Private Sub FilterCabinetOptions(rngList As Range, rngFind As Range, intAry As Integer)
Dim intListCntr As Integer, intFindCntr As Integer, intStyleCntr As Integer
If intAry = 0 Then
Call FindStyle(arySelected(intAry))
'Save the List item.
For intListCntr = 1 To rngList.Rows.Count
If rngList.Cells(intListCntr, 1) = arySelected(intAry) Then
rngList.Cells(intListCntr, 3) = "X"
' Call RemoveNonXes(rngList)
Exit For
End If
Next intListCntr
'Save the column of the Find List.
For intFindCntr = 1 To rngFind.Columns.Count
If rngFind.Cells(1, intFindCntr) = arySelected(intAry) Then
'Minus 2 to allow for columns A and B when using Offset in the below loop.
intHoldCol = rngFind.Cells(1, intFindCntr).Column - 2
Exit For
End If
Next intFindCntr
'Find appliciple styles.
For intStyleCntr = 1 To rngStyleFind.Rows.Count
If Len(rngStyleFind.Cells(intStyleCntr, intHoldCol)) > 0 Then
Call FindStyle(rngStyleFind.Cells(intStyleCntr, 1))
End If
Next intStyleCntr
End If
Call RemoveNonXes(rngStyleList)
Call RemoveNonXes(Range("Lists_W_Wood"))
Call RemoveNonXes(Range("Lists_W_Door"))
Call RemoveNonXes(Range("Lists_W_Color"))
Call RemoveNonXes(Range("Lists_W_Glaze"))
Call RemoveNonXes(Range("Lists_W_Const"))
Call RemoveNonXes(Range("Lists_W_DrawFrontConst"))
End Sub
Private Sub FindStyle(strFindCode As String)
Dim intListCntr As Integer, intFindCntr As Integer
For intListCntr = 1 To rngStyleList.Rows.Count
If rngStyleList.Cells(intListCntr, 1) = strFindCode Then
rngStyleList.Range("C" & intListCntr) = "X"
Exit For
End If
Next intListCntr
For intFindCntr = 1 To rngStyleFind.Rows.Count
If rngStyleFind.Cells(intFindCntr, 1) = strFindCode Then
intHoldRow = rngStyleFind.Cells(intFindCntr).Row
Exit For
End If
Next intFindCntr
If Len(arySelected(1)) = 0 Then Call FindStyleOptions(Range("CABI_FindWood"), Range("Lists_W_Wood"))
If Len(arySelected(2)) = 0 Then Call FindStyleOptions(Range("CABI_FindDoor"), Range("Lists_W_Door"))
If Len(arySelected(3)) = 0 Then Call FindStyleOptions(Range("CABI_FindColor"), Range("Lists_W_Color"), Range("Lists_W_Wood"))
If Len(arySelected(4)) = 0 Then Call FindStyleOptions(Range("CABI_FindGlaze"), Range("Lists_W_Glaze"), Range("Lists_W_Wood"))
If Len(arySelected(5)) = 0 Then Call FindStyleOptions(Range("CABI_FindConst"), Range("Lists_W_Const"))
If Len(arySelected(6)) = 0 Then Call FindStyleOptions(Range("CABI_FindDrawFrontConst"), Range("Lists_W_DrawFrontConst"))
End Sub
Private Sub FindStyleOptions(rngFind As Range, rngList As Range, Optional rngCheckList As Range)
Dim intListCntr As Integer, intFindCntr As Integer
Dim intStrFinder As Integer, intCheckCntr As Integer
Dim strHoldCheck As String
Dim strHoldFound As String, strHoldOption As String
'Go through the appropriate find list (across the top of CABI)
For intFindCntr = 1 To rngFind.Columns.Count
strHoldOption = rngFind.Cells(1, intFindCntr)
strHoldFound = rngFind.Cells(1, intFindCntr).Offset((intHoldRow - 1), 0)
If Len(strHoldFound) > 0 Then
If rngCheckList Is Nothing Then
For intListCntr = 1 To rngList.Rows.Count
If rngList.Cells(intListCntr, 1) = strHoldFound Then
Call AddXes(rngList, strHoldFound, "X")
Exit For
End If
Next intListCntr
intStrFinder = 1
Do While intStrFinder < Len(rngFind.Cells(1, intFindCntr).Offset((intHoldRow - 1), 0))
strHoldCheck = Mid(rngFind.Cells(1, intFindCntr).Offset((intHoldRow - 1), 0), intStrFinder, 2)
intStrFinder = intStrFinder + 3
For intCheckCntr = 1 To rngCheckList.Rows.Count
If strHoldCheck = rngCheckList(intCheckCntr, 1) And Len(rngCheckList(intCheckCntr, 3)) > 0 Then
Call AddXes(rngList, strHoldOption, "X")
intStrFinder = 99
Exit For
End If
Next intCheckCntr
End If
End If
Next intFindCntr
End Sub
Private Sub AddXes(rngList As Range, strToFind As String, strX As String)
Dim intXcntr As Integer
For intXcntr = 1 To rngList.Rows.Count
If rngList.Cells(intXcntr, 1) = strToFind Then
rngList.Cells(intXcntr, 3) = strX
Exit For
End If
Next intXcntr
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveNonXes(rngList As Range)
Dim intXcntr As Integer
For intXcntr = 1 To rngList.Rows.Count
If Len(rngList(intXcntr, 3)) = 0 Then
rngList.Range("A" & intXcntr & ":B" & intXcntr) = ""
rngList.Range("C" & intXcntr) = ""
End If
Next intXcntr
End Sub
Private Sub RemoveXes(rngList As Range)
rngList.Range("C1:C" & rngList.Rows.Count) = ""
End Sub
说明: 想象一下,你有6个不同汽车条件的清单。所以Make将是雪佛兰,福特,本田的一个列表......模型将是另一个与Malibu,Focus,思域...但你也有颜色蓝色,红色,绿色...所以如果你的用户想要一个绿色汽车,该程序参考库存清单,摆脱任何制造,模型等...绿色不提供。同样,用户可以从“模型”列表中单击“思域”,它将从“制造”中消除除本田之外的所有内容,依此类推。这就是我想要做的事情。
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