如何在Oracle 10g PL / SQL中编写此算法?我需要测试一些迁移的数据。这是我想出的(到目前为止):
with temp as (
select 1 id, 200 amount, 642 total_a from dual union all
select 2, 200, 642 from dual union all
select 3, 200, 642 from dual union all
select 4, 200, 642 from dual union all
select 5, 200, 642 from dual
remaining_a / remaining_amount ratio,
round(amount * remaining_a / remaining_amount, 0) rounded_a,
round(amount - amount * remaining_a / remaining_amount, 0) rounded_b
from (
sum(amount) over (
order by id
range between current row and unbounded following
) remaining_amount,
case when id=1 then total_a /* else ??? */ end remaining_a
from temp
) temp2
更新 :如果您看不到上面的图片,预期舍入_A 值为:
1 128
2 129
3 128
4 129
5 128
答案 0 :(得分:3)
这是我的建议。它没有得到你想要的。 。 。根据我的计算,129直到第3行才会出现。
WITH temp AS (
SELECT 1 id, 200 amount, 642 total_a FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 200, 642 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 3, 200, 642 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 4, 200, 642 FROM dual UNION ALL
SELECT 5, 200, 642 FROM dual
select temp3.*,
sum(estArem) over (order by id) as cumrem,
trunc(estA) + (case when trunc(sum(estArem) over (order by id)) > trunc(- estArem + sum(estArem) over (order by id))
then 1 else 0 end)
from (SELECT temp2.*,
trunc(Aratio*amount) as estA,
Aratio*amount - trunc(ARatio*amount) as estArem
FROM (SELECT temp.id, temp.amount,
sum(amount) over (ORDER BY id range BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND unbounded following
) remaining_amount,
sum(amount) over (partition by null) as total_amount,
max(total_a) over (partition by null)as maxA,
(max(total_a) over (partition by null) /
sum(amount) over (partition by null)
) as ARatio
FROM temp
) temp2
) temp3
trunc(estA) + (case when trunc(sum(0.5+estArem) over (order by id)) > trunc(0.5 - estArem + sum(estArem) over (order by id))