我需要通过win32 api获取特定打印机支持的打印机文档功能。
我的目标是Windows Windows XP +并使用vb6。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
DeviceCapabilities功能是只读的。您正在寻找的是DocumentProperties function。 DeviceCapabilities实际上相当过时,应该在很久以前就已经过时了,因为它假设只有一个用户而单个应用程序正在使用打印机。您不希望为每个打印作业设置打印机属性;您想为当前的打印作业设置文档属性。 DocumentProperties函数将为您执行此操作,但请密切注意上面链接中有关如何进行更改的说明。这是一个不必要的复杂功能。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
。来自Microsoft的Sample代码。现在大多数在线文档是针对.Net的,所以我从Dan Appleman's Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to the Win32 API输入了VB6定义
Declare Function DeviceCapabilities& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "DeviceCapabilitiesA" (ByVal lpDeviceName as String, ByVal lpPort as String, ByVal iIndex as Long, ByVal lpOutput as String, ByVal lpDeviceMode as Long)
Declare Function DocumentProperties& Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "DocumentPropertiesA" (ByVal hwnd as Long, ByVal hPrinter as Long, ByVal pDeviceName as String, ByVal pDeviceModeOutput as Long, ByVal pDeviceModelInput as Long, ByVal fMode as Long)
Public Const CCHDEVICENAME = 32
Public Const CCHFORMNAME = 32
dmDeviceName as String * CCHDEVICENAME
dmSpecVersion as Integer
dmDriverVersion as Integer
dmSize as Integer
dmDriverExtra as Integer
dmFields as Long
dmOrientation as Integer
dmPaperSize as Integer
dmPaperLength as Integer
dmPaperWidth as Integer
dmScale as Integer
dmCopies as Integer
dmDefaultSource as Integer
dmPrintQuality as Integer
dmColor as Integer
dmDuplex as Integer
dmYResolution as Integer
dmTTOption as Integer
dmCollate as Integer
dmFormName as String * CCHFORMNAME
dpBitsPerPixel as Integer
dmBitsPerPel as Long
dmPelWidth as Long
dmPelHeight as Long
dmDisplayFlags as Long
dmDisplayFrequency as Long
dmICMMethod as Long
dmICMIntent as Long
dmMediaType as Long
dmDitherType as Long
dmReserved1 as Long
dmReserved2 as Long
End Type