
时间:2009-07-15 01:21:50

标签: python list genetic-programming


# f = internal node (a function), c = leaf node (a constant)
tree1 = [f, [f, [f, c, c], [f, c, c]], [f, [f, c, c], [f, c, c]]]
tree2 = [f, [f, [f, c, c], c], [f, [f, c, c], c]]


# f:n, where n is the number of arguments the function take
#               + split here  
tree1 = [f:2, [f:3, a, a, a], a]
#                            + split here
tree2 = [f:2, [f:2, a, a], [f:1, a]

tree_child1 = [f:2, [f:1, a], a]
tree_child2 = [f:2, [f:2, a, a], [f:3, a, a, a]]



# My recursive code to parse the tree.
def parse(self, node=None):
    if not node:
        node = self.root

    if isinstance(node, list):
        function = node[0]
        res = []
        for child in node[1:function.arity+1]:
        value = function.parse(*res) # function
        value = node.parse() # constant
    return value

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



def count(obj):
    total = 0
    for o in obj[1:]:
        # Add the node itself.
        total += 1

        if isinstance(o, list):
            total += count(o)
    return total


def find_idx(tree, idx):
    Return the node containing the idx'th function parameter, and the index of that
    parameter.  If the tree contains fewer than idx parameters, return (None, None).
    if not isinstance(idx, list):
        # Stash this in a list, so recursive calls share the same value.
        idx = [idx]

    for i, o in enumerate(tree):
        # Skip the function itself.
        if i == 0:

        if idx[0] == 0:
            return tree, i

        idx[0] -= 1
        if isinstance(o, list):
            container, result_index = find_idx(o, idx)
            if container is not None:
                return container, result_index

    return None, None


def random_swap(tree1, tree2):
    from random import randrange
    pos_in_1 = randrange(0, count(tree1))
    pos_in_2 = randrange(0, count(tree2))

    parent1, idx1 = find_idx(tree1, pos_in_1)
    parent2, idx2 = find_idx(tree2, pos_in_2)

    # Swap:
    parent1[idx1], parent2[idx2] = parent2[idx2], parent1[idx1]

c = 1
tree1 = ["f:2", c, ["f:1", c]]
tree2 = ["f:2", ["f:2", ["f:2", c, c], ["f:2", c, c]], ["f:3", ["f:4", c, c, c, c], ["f:2", c, c], c]]

while True:
    random_swap(tree1, tree2)
    print tree1
    print tree2


这也永远不会替换根节点,其中tree1中的节点成为新的tree2,而tree2的所有节点都成为tree1中的节点。解决方法是将整个事物包裹在例如。 [lambda a:a,tree],所以可编辑节点总是有一个父节点。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果在每个内部节点中存储每个分支中子项的计数,则可以通过生成0到1 +总子项的随机数来选择分割点。如果答案为1,则在该节点处拆分,否则使用该数字确定要下降到哪个子树,然后重复该过程。