我可以获得内存映射文件的路径吗? (.NET 4.0)

时间:2009-07-11 22:15:26

标签: c# .net .net-4.0 memory-mapped-files


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)




答案 1 :(得分:0)



using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;

namespace MMFilePathTest
    static class Program
        private static MemoryMappedFile GetMappedPhysicalFile()
            return MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile("test.bin", System.IO.FileMode.Create, null, 4096);

        private static MemoryMappedFile GetMappedAnonymousMemory()
            /* The documentation errounously claims that mapName must not be null. Actually anonymous
             * mappings are quite a normal thing on Windows, and is actually both safer and more secure
             * if you don't have a need for a name for them anyways.
             * (Reported as https://github.com/dotnet/docs/issues/5404)
             * Using a name here gives the exact same results (assuming the name isn't already in use). */
            return MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(null, 4096);

        /* This can be changed to kernel32.dll / K32GetMappedFileNameW if compatibility with Windows Server 2008 and
         * earlier is not needed, but it is not clear what the gain of doing so is, see the remarks about
         * PSAPI_VERSION at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms683195(v=vs.85).aspx */
        [DllImport("Psapi.dll", EntryPoint = "GetMappedFileNameW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern int GetMappedFileName(
          SafeProcessHandle hProcess,
          SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle lpv,
          [Out] StringBuilder lpFilename,
          int nSize

        /* Note that the SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle property of SafeMemoryMappedViewAccess and SafeMemoryMappedViewStream
         * is actually the address where the file is mapped */
        private static string GetPathWithGetMappedFileName(SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle memoryMappedViewHandle)
            // The maximum path length in the NT kernel is 32,767 - memory is cheap nowadays so its not a problem 
            // to just allocate the maximum size of 32KB right away.
            StringBuilder filename = new StringBuilder(short.MaxValue);
            int len;
            len = GetMappedFileName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().SafeHandle, memoryMappedViewHandle, filename, short.MaxValue);
            if (len == 0)
                throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
            filename.Length = len;
            return filename.ToString();

        private static void PrintFileName(MemoryMappedFile memoryMappedFile)
                using (memoryMappedFile)
                using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor va = memoryMappedFile.CreateViewAccessor())
                    string filename = GetPathWithGetMappedFileName(va.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle);
            catch (Win32Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: 0x{0:X08}: {1}", e.NativeErrorCode, e.Message);

        static void Main(string[] args)


\Device\HarddiskVolume5\Users\poizan\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\MMFilePathTest\MMFilePathTest\bin\Debug\test.bin
Error: 0x000003EE: The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid

请注意,路径以本机NT路径格式返回。如果您需要将其转换为dos / win32格式,请参阅此问题:How can I convert a native (NT) pathname into a Win32 path name?
