但是出了点问题(Lisp嵌套超过了'max-lisp-eval-depth),我不知道为什么。这段代码实际上来自第97页的“Land of lisp”一书。原始代码是用普通的lisp编写的。我想在elisp中重写它。 tweak-text中的最后两个参数意味着captain和literal。
(defun tweak-text (lst caps lit)
(when lst
(let ((item (car lst))
(rest (cdr lst)))
(cond ((eql item ?\ ) (cons item (tweak-text rest caps lit)))
((member item '(?\! ?\? ?\.)) (cons item (tweak-text rest t lit)))
((eql item ?\") (tweak-text rest caps (not lit)))
(lit (cons item (tweak-text rest nil lit)))
(caps (cons (upcase item) (tweak-text rest nil lit)))
(t (cons (downcase item) (tweak-text rest nil nil)))))))
(defun game-print (lst)
(print (coerce (tweak-text (coerce (prin1-to-string lst) 'list) t nil) 'string)))
(game-print '(not only does this sentence have a "comma," it also mentions the "iPad."))
(defun tweak-text (lst caps lit)
(when lst
(let ((item (car lst))
(rest (cdr lst)))
(cond ((eql item #\space) (cons item (tweak-text rest caps lit)))
((member item '(#\! #\? #\.)) (cons item (tweak-text rest t lit)))
((eql item #\") (tweak-text rest caps (not lit)))
(lit (cons item (tweak-text rest nil lit)))
(caps (cons (char-upcase item) (tweak-text rest nil lit)))
(t (cons (char-downcase item) (tweak-text rest nil nil)))))))
(defun game-print (lst)
(princ (coerce (tweak-text (coerce (string-trim "() " (prin1-to-string lst)) 'list) t nil) 'string))
答案 0 :(得分:4)
在这两种情况下,您都有非终端递归,因此您正在使用 O(长度(lst))堆栈空间。显然,系统可能会限制堆栈 你可以使用的空间,你确实在emacs中达到了这个限制。 (现在 然后在emacs中,您可以通过更改来增加限制 max-lisp-eval-depth,但这不能解决根本问题。)
(defun character (x)
"common-lisp: return the character designated by X."
(etypecase x
(integer x)
(string (aref x 0))
(symbol (aref (symbol-name x) 0))))
(defun string-trim (character-bag string-designator)
"common-lisp: returns a substring of string, with all characters in \
character-bag stripped off the beginning and end."
(unless (sequencep character-bag)
(signal 'type-error "expected a sequence for `character-bag'."))
(let* ((string (string* string-designator))
(margin (format "[%s]*" (regexp-quote
(if (stringp character-bag)
(map 'string 'identity character-bag)))))
(trimer (format "\\`%s\\(\\(.\\|\n\\)*?\\)%s\\'" margin margin)))
(replace-regexp-in-string trimer "\\1" string)))
(require 'cl)
(defun tweak-text (list caps lit)
(let ((result '()))
(dolist (item list (nreverse result))
(cond ((find item " !?.") (push item result))
((eql item (character "\"")) (setf lit (not lit)))
(lit (push item result)
(setf caps nil))
(caps (push (char-upcase item) result)
(setf caps nil))
(t (push (char-downcase item) result)
(setf caps nil
lit nil))))))
(defun game-print (list)
(princ (coerce (tweak-text (coerce (string-trim "() " (prin1-to-string list)) 'list)
t nil)
(game-print '(not only does this sentence have a "comma," it also mentions the "iPad."))
prints: Not only does this sentence have a comma, it also mentions the iPad.
returns: t
在Common Lisp中:
prints: Not only does this sentence have a comma, it also mentions the iPad.
returns: nil
现在,一般来说使用列表处理字符串没什么意义,emacs lisp和Common Lisp都有强大的原语来直接处理序列和字符串。
答案 1 :(得分:3)
答案 2 :(得分:1)
答案 3 :(得分:1)
正如Pascal Bourguignon已经提到过的那样,使用字符串将它们强制转换为列表并返回将是一种更好的方法,下面是我的看法。请注意,它略有不同,因为文字字符串被验证用于标点符号,并且如果它们看起来像标点符号,否则会导致下一个字母大写,那么它也将是大写字母。我不确定这是一个缺点,这就是为什么我没有处理这种差异。
(defun tweak-text (source)
(let ((i 0) (separator "") (cap t) current)
(dolist (i source)
(setq current
(concat separator
(etypecase i
(string i)
(symbol (downcase (symbol-name i)))))
separator " ")
(let (current-char)
(dotimes (j (length current))
(setq current-char (aref current j))
((position current-char " \t\n\r"))
(cap (setq cap nil
current-char (upcase current-char)))
((position current-char ".?!")
(setq cap t)))
(princ (char-to-string current-char))))))))
(tweak-text '(not only does this sentence have a "comma," it also mentions the "iPad."))
"Not only does this sentence have a comma, it also mentions the iPad."
答案 4 :(得分:0)
(defun tweak-text-wrapper (&rest args)
(let ((max-lisp-eval-depth 9001)) ; as much as you want
(apply tweak-text args)))