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请参阅内存会话计数中的Websphere - http://websphereadmin-janglestrategies.blogspot.com/2010/02/websphere-in-memory-session-count.html
servers = AdminTask.listServers( '[-serverType APPLICATION_SERVER]').splitlines()
# Now just get the app server name - not the whole jython config id
newserver = server.split('(')
# get the session manager mbean
ps = AdminControl.queryNames ('WebSphere:type=SessionManager,process=' + newserver[0] + ',*')
# now get the stats for the mbean
AdminControl.getAttribute(ps, 'stats')
['','Stats name = My_WAR_FILE_NAME,type = servletSessionsModule','{', 'name = SessionObjectSize,ID = 18,description =平均大小 会话级别的会话对象,仅包括可序列化的对象 缓存中的属性。,unit = BYTE,type = AverageStatistic, avg = 1762.5,min = 1713,max = 1812,total = 200925,count = 114, sumSq = 4.0370855625E10,type = TimeStatistic,avg = 1762.5,min = 1713, max = 1812,total = 200925,count = 114,sumSq = 4.0370855625E10','}']