
时间:2009-07-02 21:40:57

标签: php formula readability flesch-kincaid


function readability($text) {
    $total_sentences = 1; // one full stop = two sentences => start with 1
    $punctuation_marks = array('.', '?', '!', ':');
    foreach ($punctuation_marks as $punctuation_mark) {
        $total_sentences += substr_count($text, $punctuation_mark);
    $total_words = str_word_count($text);
    $total_syllable = 3; // assuming this value since I don't know how to count them
    $score = 206.835-(1.015*$total_words/$total_sentences)-(84.6*$total_syllables/$total_words);
    return $score;



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)


  1. 什么是句子?


  2. 音节不是我们应该接近的东西


  3. 这是一个什么词?


  4. 所以最后,我可以回答你的问题“它会起作用吗”。如果您希望获取一段文本并在其他指标中显示此可读性分数以提供某种可能的附加价值,那么挑剔的用户将不会提出所有这些问题。如果你正在尝试做一些科学的东西,或者甚至是一些教学方法(因为这个分数和那些最终的意图),我真的不会打扰。事实上,如果您打算使用此功能向用户提出有关他们所生成内容的任何建议,我会非常犹豫。

    衡量文本阅读难度的更好方法更可能是与低频词与高频词的比例以及文本中hapax legomena的数量有关。但是我不会追求这样的启发式,因为对它进行经验测试是非常困难的。

答案 1 :(得分:8)

查看GitHub上的PHP Text Statistics课程。

答案 2 :(得分:6)



<?php class ReadabilitySyllableCheckPattern {

public $probWords = [
    'abalone' => 4,
    'abare' => 3,
    'abed' => 2,
    'abruzzese' => 4,
    'abbruzzese' => 4,
    'aborigine' => 5,
    'acreage' => 3,
    'adame' => 3,
    'adieu' => 2,
    'adobe' => 3,
    'anemone' => 4,
    'apache' => 3,
    'aphrodite' => 4,
    'apostrophe' => 4,
    'ariadne' => 4,
    'cafe' => 2,
    'calliope' => 4,
    'catastrophe' => 4,
    'chile' => 2,
    'chloe' => 2,
    'circe' => 2,
    'coyote' => 3,
    'epitome' => 4,
    'forever' => 3,
    'gethsemane' => 4,
    'guacamole' => 4,
    'hyperbole' => 4,
    'jesse' => 2,
    'jukebox' => 2,
    'karate' => 3,
    'machete' => 3,
    'maybe' => 2,
    'people' => 2,
    'recipe' => 3,
    'sesame' => 3,
    'shoreline' => 2,
    'simile' => 3,
    'syncope' => 3,
    'tamale' => 3,
    'yosemite' => 4,
    'daphne' => 2,
    'eurydice' => 4,
    'euterpe' => 3,
    'hermione' => 4,
    'penelope' => 4,
    'persephone' => 4,
    'phoebe' => 2,
    'zoe' => 2

public $addSyllablePatterns = [

public $prefixSuffixPatterns = [

public $subSyllablePatterns = [
]; } ?>


<?php class ReadabilityAlgorithm {
function countSyllable($strWord) {
    $pattern = new ReadabilitySyllableCheckPattern();
    $strWord = trim($strWord);

    // Check for problem words
    if (isset($pattern->{'probWords'}[$strWord])) {
        return $pattern->{'probWords'}[$strWord];

    // Check prefix, suffix
    $strWord = str_replace($pattern->{'prefixSuffixPatterns'}, '', $strWord, $tmpPrefixSuffixCount);

    // Removed non word characters from word
    $arrWordParts = preg_split('`[^aeiouy]+`', $strWord);
    $wordPartCount = 0;
    foreach ($arrWordParts as $strWordPart) {
        if ($strWordPart <> '') {
    $intSyllableCount = $wordPartCount + $tmpPrefixSuffixCount;

    // Check syllable patterns 
    foreach ($pattern->{'subSyllablePatterns'} as $strSyllable) {
        $intSyllableCount -= preg_match('`' . $strSyllable . '`', $strWord);

    foreach ($pattern->{'addSyllablePatterns'} as $strSyllable) {
        $intSyllableCount += preg_match('`' . $strSyllable . '`', $strWord);

    $intSyllableCount = ($intSyllableCount == 0) ? 1 : $intSyllableCount;
    return $intSyllableCount;

function calculateReadabilityScore($stringText) {
    # Calculate score
    $totalSentences = 1;
    $punctuationMarks = array('.', '!', ':', ';');

    foreach ($punctuationMarks as $punctuationMark) {
        $totalSentences += substr_count($stringText, $punctuationMark);

    // get ASL value
    $totalWords = str_word_count($stringText);
    $ASL = $totalWords / $totalSentences;

    // find syllables value
    $syllableCount = 0;
    $arrWords = explode(' ', $stringText);
    $intWordCount = count($arrWords);
    //$intWordCount = $totalWords;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $intWordCount; $i++) {
        $syllableCount += $this->countSyllable($arrWords[$i]);

    // get ASW value
    $ASW = $syllableCount / $totalWords;

    // Count the readability score
    $score = 206.835 - (1.015 * $ASL) - (84.6 * $ASW);
    return $score;
} } ?>


<?php // Create object to count readability score
$readObj = new ReadabilityAlgorithm();
echo $readObj->calculateReadabilityScore("Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into: electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently; with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum!");

答案 3 :(得分:0)
