
时间:2012-05-23 01:35:01

标签: php codeigniter design-patterns




用户输入特定于确定价格的方法的一系列测量。有时,这些测量特定于某种产品 - 例如排水沟。其他时候,测量与正在进行的工作关系比产品更密切 - 覆盖外部拱腹与乙烯基和&例如,铝。




估算方程式相当简单 - 数量x价格=估计 - 但数量可以是件数,英尺数或平方英尺数。

我想知道我是否让它变得比它需要的更复杂,但我想把我的技能提升到一个新的水平并学习设计好的,面向对象的代码。该项目的下一步是采取这些测量并制定一份工作所需材料清单 - 由于有大量可用产品,这项工作要复杂得多。

我应该考虑哪些设计模式?到目前为止,我主要关注Abstract FactoryBuilder应该列在我的名单上吗?还有什么?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




interface Estimator
    public function Estimate ();
    public function BuildInfo ();

class Estimate_gutter implements Estimator
    private $totalLength, $gutterType;
    function __construct ($totalLength, $gutterType)
        $this->totalLength = $totalLength;
        $this->gutterType = $gutterType;

    function Estimate ()
        return $this->totalLength * .45; // 45 cents a foot, consider a binary math library here though

    function BuildInfo ()
        return "Gutter Type: {$this->gutterType}, Length: {$this->totalLength}"; //to keep different classes from having to output different values, thus breaking the idea of abstraction we are trying to achieve; we'll just output a string that will be printed to the job list.
class Estimate_sidewall implements Estimator
    private $width, $height, $type;
    function __construct ($drywallType, $width, $height)
        $this->width = $width;
        $this->height = $height;
        $this->type = $drywallType;

    function Estimate ()
        return $this->width * $this->height * 1.12; // 1.12 a square foot, again consider a binary math library

    function BuildInfo ()
        return "SideWall type '{$this->type}' {$this->width}ft x {$this->height}ft = ". ($this->width * $this->height) ."sqft.";

$gutter = new Estimate_gutter(100, "Type to gutter"); //pass this to the view

$gutter->Estimate(); //this would be run in the view, or be assigned in the controller to a variable for the view.  This must exist, because it is implementing the Estimator class.  The reason for this is so that you don't need to know what class type it is in the view, you just need to call the same function, no matter what.

    This would print out all the information needed to retrieve
    the needed product.  It is important this function always returns
    the *exact* same data type every time for every class, otherwise
    the abstraction will break. (because if you output an array for one,
    and a string for another, how do you know when to deal with an array,
    and when to deal with a string? You'd need to know what type of estimate
    you're making, and you're attempting to eliminate needing to know that
    using this design pattern).
echo $gutter->BuildInfo ();
