
时间:2012-05-21 21:10:33

标签: list function haskell

我需要编写一个代码,如果函数满足list的大部分元素并且false不满足,则会给出True。 例如:moreThan odd [1,2,3]True,但moreThan odd [1,2,3,4]False。 这是我的代码:

moreThan funkt xs
   = let
      control funkt n (x : xs)
         = control (if .?. then n + 1 else n) xs
      contol funkt _
         = False
   control funtk 0 xs

有人可以说我如何控制这一点以及我应该在.?.写些什么 谢谢!

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


您编写的函数需要跟踪两个变量:处理的元素数和谓词为true的元素数。由于这段代码可能是作业,我给你一个可以用来编写函数的构造。在-- ???位置填写您自己的代码。

moreThan :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
moreThan pred = go 0 0 where
  -- procd: number of elements processed
  -- holds: number of elements for which pred holds
  go procd holds (x:xs) = go procd' holds' xs where
     procd' = -- ???
     holds' = -- ???
  go procd holds []     = -- ???



moreThan pred = finalize . foldr go (0,0) where
  -- process one element of the input, produce another tuple
  go (procd,holds) x = -- ???
  -- produce a boolean value from the result-tuple
  finalize (procd,holds) = -- ???

答案 1 :(得分:2)


import Data.List(partition)
import Data.Function(on)

moreThan f = (uncurry $ on (>) length) . partition f


part f xs = (filter f xs, filter (not.f) xs)


moreThan f xs = 2*s > length xs where s = sum $ map (fromEnum.f) xs

答案 2 :(得分:1)


moreThan :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
moreThan f xs = length ts > length fs where
    ts = filter id bools
    fs = filter not bools
    bools = map f xs

答案 3 :(得分:1)

majority :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
majority p = (0 <) . sum . map (\x -> if pred x then 1 else -1)

这是在列表元素上的映射(如果是pred x然后是1,则为其他-1),然后对列表元素求和并查看结果是否为&gt; 0

答案 4 :(得分:0)


majority :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
majority pred = g . sum . map f
  where f x | pred x    = 1
            | otherwise = -1
        g y = 0 < y