
时间:2012-05-12 15:20:54

标签: sql sql-server-2008 query-optimization pivot


        SELECT TOP 2000
             WHEN A.Gender = 'M' then 'Male'
             WHEN A.Gender = 'F' then 'Female'
             WHEN A.Gender = 'U' then 'Unknown'
        END AS Gender,
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 18 and 24 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [0_3_18],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 18 and 24 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 1 then 1 else null end) as [1_3_18],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 18 and 24 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 2 then 1 else null end) as [2_3_18],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 18 and 24 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 3 then 1 else null end) as [3_3_18],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 18 and 24 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [Unknown_18],

count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 25 and 34 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [0_3_25],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 25 and 34 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 1 then 1 else null end) as [1_3_25],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 25 and 34 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 2 then 1 else null end) as [2_3_25],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 25 and 34 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 3 then 1 else null end) as [3_3_25],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 25 and 34 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [Unknown_25],

count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 35 and 49 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [0_3_35],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 35 and 49 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 1 then 1 else null end) as [1_3_35],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 35 and 49 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 2 then 1 else null end) as [2_3_35],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 35 and 49 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 3 then 1 else null end) as [3_3_35],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 35 and 49 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [Unknown_35],

count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 50 and 64 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [0_3_50],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 50 and 64 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 1 then 1 else null end) as [1_3_50],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 50 and 64 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 2 then 1 else null end) as [2_3_50],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 50 and 64 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 3 then 1 else null end) as [3_3_50],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 50 and 64 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [Unknown_50],

count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 65 and 120 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [0_3_65],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 65 and 120 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 1 then 1 else null end) as [1_3_65],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 65 and 120 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 2 then 1 else null end) as [2_3_65],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 65 and 120 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 3 then 1 else null end) as [3_3_65],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) between 65 and 120 and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [Unknown_65],

count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) = '' or voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() )is null and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [0_3_],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) = '' or voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() )is null and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 1 then 1 else null end) as [1_3_],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) = '' or voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() )is null and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 2 then 1 else null end) as [2_3_],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) = '' or voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() )is null and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 3 then 1 else null end) as [3_3_],
count(case when voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) = '' or voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge ( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() )is null and voterData.dbo.GeneralVoting (V.[G10EC], V.[G08EC],V.[G06EC]) = 0 then 1 else null end) as [Unknown_]

from Personal as A INNER JOIN Voting_History V 
on A.Vuid = V.Vuid 
group by Residence_City, Gender with rollup
Order by Residence_City, Gender 
, temp1 as (
    SELECT  *,([3_3_18] + [3_3_25] + [3_3_35] + [3_3_50] + [3_3_65] + [3_3_]
              +[2_3_18] + [2_3_25] + [2_3_35] + [2_3_50] + [2_3_65] + [2_3_]
              +[1_3_18] + [1_3_25] + [1_3_35] + [1_3_50] + [1_3_65] + [1_3_]
              +[0_3_18] + [0_3_25] + [0_3_35] + [0_3_50] + [0_3_65] + [0_3_]
            +[Unknown_18]+ [Unknown_25]+ [Unknown_35] + [Unknown_50]+ [Unknown_65] + [Unknown_]) Total
where NULLIF(Residence_City,'') IS NOT NULL
), temp2 as (
    SELECT * FROM temp1
'grand Total',

FROM temp1

SELECT Residence_City, Gender,
    [0_3_18]     as [0_3],  
    [1_3_18]     as [1_3], 
    [2_3_18]     as [2_3], 
    [3_3_18]     as [3_3], 
    [Unknown_18] as [Unknown],

    [0_3_25]     as [0_3],  
    [1_3_25]     as [1_3], 
    [2_3_25]     as [2_3],  
    [3_3_25]     as [3_3],  
    [Unknown_25] as [Unknown], 

    [0_3_35]     as [0_3],  
    [1_3_35]     as [1_3], 
    [2_3_35]     as [2_3], 
    [3_3_35]     as [3_3], 
    [Unknown_35] as [Unknown], 

    [0_3_35]     as [0_3],  
    [1_3_35]     as [1_3], 
    [2_3_35]     as [2_3], 
    [3_3_35]     as [3_3], 
    [Unknown_35] as [Unknown], 

    [0_3_35]     as [0_3],  
    [1_3_35]     as [1_3], 
    [2_3_35]     as [2_3], 
    [3_3_35]     as [3_3], 
    [Unknown_35] as [Unknown], 

    [0_3_35]     as [0_3],  
    [1_3_35]     as [1_3], 
    [2_3_35]     as [2_3], 
    [3_3_35]     as [3_3], 
    [Unknown_35] as [Unknown], 
   FROM temp2


    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GeneralVoting] ( @one varchar, @two varchar,@three varchar)

        DECLARE @vAge         INT

        SET @vAge = (CASE WHEN @one IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
                        +(CASE WHEN @two IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
                        +(CASE WHEN @three IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
     RETURN @vAge

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_GetAge] ( @pDateOfBirth DATETIME, @pAsOfDate DATETIME )
        DECLARE @vAge         INT
        IF @pDateOfBirth >= @pAsOfDate
            RETURN 0

        SET @vAge = DATEDIFF(YY, @pDateOfBirth, @pAsOfDate)

        IF MONTH(@pDateOfBirth) > MONTH(@pAsOfDate) OR
          (MONTH(@pDateOfBirth) = MONTH(@pAsOfDate) AND
           DAY(@pDateOfBirth)   > DAY(@pAsOfDate))
            SET @vAge = @vAge - 1
      RETURN @vAge

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


我怀疑用户定义的功能正在影响性能。 SQL Server不够智能,无法优化多次调用ufn_GetAge(),因此该函数会被反复调用。相反,将年龄放在子查询中:

(select *, voterData.dbo.ufn_GetAge( convert(datetime,[Date_of_Birth]), GETDATE() ) as age
 from VoterData
) age



此外,投票和个人历史表有多大?特别是城市和性别的组合有多少?您可以通过预先选择前2000,然后对不同的组进行计算来提高查询效率。但是,如果不知道尺寸,很难说这是否有效。另外,您是否真的想通过Residence_City,Gender订购。 。 。或者你想通过其他领域之一订购?因此,查询只是按字母顺序选择第一个。