我正在使用zabbix并编写一个界面来与zabbix api进行交互。由于zabbix公开了一个jsonrpc接口,我决定使用MojoX :: JSON :: RPC :: Service。我遇到的问题是我现在面临与使用Mojolicious :: Controllers编写的其他服务的交互,他们期望Mojolicious :: Controller对象。使用MojoX :: JSON :: RPC :: Service时,没有可用的Mojolicious :: Controller对象。
my $obj = $rpc_obj->register(
sub {
# do stuff
{ with_mojo_tx => 1 }
注册一个名为'retrieve'的路由。当访问路由和匿名时 子程序运行时,子程序只能访问Mojo :: Transaction :: HTTP对象。
因此,我无权使用该应用程序来使用插件以及Mojolicious提供的存储和其他内容。有没有办法将Mojolicious :: Controller与MojoX :: JSON :: RPC :: Service?
合并我可以重写它以使用Mojolicious :: Controller,但如果可能的话,我试图避免这种情况。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
# lib/your-application.pm
use base 'Mojolicious';
use MojoX::JSON::RPC::Service;
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
my $svc = MojoX::JSON::RPC::Service->new;
sub {
my @params = @_;
my $sum = 0;
$sum += $_ for @params;
return $sum;
services => {
'/jsonrpc' => $svc
[UPDATE] 钩子示例:
package Application;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use Application::Firewall;
# This method will run once at server start
sub startup {
my $app = shift;
# Routes
my $r = $app->routes;
# Validation Middleware
before_dispatch => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->req->params->to_hash;
my $vald = Application::Firewall->new($data);
# mojolicious bug at the time of coding
delete $data->{""} if defined $data->{""};
$app->{input} = {};
if ( keys %{$data} ) {
# validation the submitted data
unless ( $vald->validate( keys %{$data} ) ) {
text => join( "", @{ $vald->errors } ),
status => 500
return 0;
# Helper (optional)
# create a helper to get access to the transformed data
# if your validation rules had/has filters
# Note! due to a bug in the params function we must do this
# (... i know, so what)
$app->{input} = {
map { $_ => $vald->{fields}->{$_}->{value} }
keys %{ $vald->{fields} }
return 1;
# Normal route to controller * with auto-matic input validation *
cb => sub {
my $self = shift;
text => 'Hello ' . ( $app->{input}->{foobar} || 'World' ),
status => 200