
时间:2012-04-28 20:16:06

标签: php mysql

我一直在努力尝试将一堆数据用于使用PHP整齐地显示的表结构中工作,我必须说我遇到了困难。我终于能够调用列了,以防万一我添加一个字段,它总是将它添加到我的表中,我希望这很容易管理。但是,当我最初设置表时,我把它放在一个随机的顺序。现在,当我来使用DESCRIBE table时,它会按照确切的顺序给我,而我找不到更好地组织它们的方法。在我的表格数据库的末尾说月份/年份是没有意义的。

require 'connect.php';
<h3>Monthly Finances | <a href="new.php">Add New Month</a> </h3>
<table border="1" bordercolor ="#000000">
$columns = "DESCRIBE  `month` ";
if($query_run_columns = mysql_query($columns)){
    $columnNames = array();
        while($column = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run_columns)){
        echo '<th>'.$column['Field'].'</th>';
    echo'sql error';


$gatherdata = "SELECT `month`, `year`,`rent`,`electric`,`cable`,`cellphone`,`renters` FROM `month` ";
if($query_run = mysql_query($gatherdata)){

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run)){
        $rent = $row['rent'];
        $electric = $row['electric'];
        $cable = $row['cable'];
        $cellphone = $row['cellphone'];
        $renters = $row['renters'];
        $month = $row['month'];
        $year = $row['year'];

        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td align="center">'.$month.'</td>';
        echo '<td algin="center">'.$year.'</td>';
        echo '<td align="center">'.$rent.'</td>';
        echo '<td align="center">'.$electric.'</td>';
        echo '<td align="center">'.$cable.'</td>';
        echo '<td align="center">'.$cellphone.'</td>';
        echo '<td align="center">'.$renters.'</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
    echo 'query error';
<br>View by month
<form action="index.php" method="GET">
<select name="months" value="all">
$gathermonths = "SELECT `month`, `year` FROM `month";

if($query_month_selector = mysql_query($gathermonths)){
    while($month_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_month_selector)){
        $month = $month_row['month'];
        $year = $month_row['year'];

        echo '<option value="'.$month.' '.$year.'">' .$month.' '.$year.'</option>';
echo $_GET['months'];
<input type="submit" value="View Selected Date"></input>


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的表是否包含索引/ ID?

您可以通过“ORDER BY”

ALTER TABLE `table_name` ORDER BY `id`

注意默认ORDER BY按升序排列。如果您想降序,请将DESC放在最后。

如果您希望mysql查询以有序的方式输出结果,您还可以在查询中使用ORDER BY

$gathermonths = "SELECT `month`, `year` FROM `month` ORDER BY `month` DESC";

如果您想按月对结果进行分组,还有GROUP BY个功能:

$gathermonths = "SELECT `month`, `year` FROM `month` GROUP BY `month`";

答案 1 :(得分:1)


$gatherdata = "SELECT `month`, `year`,`rent`,`electric`,`cable`,`cellphone`,`renters` FROM `month` ";
if($query_run = mysql_query($gatherdata)){

    // Loop the columns to build the table headers
    echo '<table>';
    echo '<tr>';
    while ($i < mysql_num_fields($query_run)) {
        $field = mysql_fetch_field($query_run, $i);
        echo '<th>' . $field->name . '</th>';
    echo '</tr>';

    // Your current data loop
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run)){
        // (...)
    echo '</table>'

答案 2 :(得分:1)


相反,如果要抽象HTML表生成代码以使其适用于任意SQL表(从而显示separating数据访问权限),请在生成数组中的列标题时记录列名,然后在输出行时迭代此数组。你也可以取消$rent = $row['rent'];作业,因为它们什么也得不到。使用PDO:

/* data access */
$finances = $db->query('SELECT `month`, `year`,`rent`,`electric`,`cable`,`cellphone`,`renters` FROM `month`');

$columns = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $finances->columnCount(); ++$i) {
    $meta = $finances->getColumnMeta($i);
    $columns[$meta['name']] = ucwords($meta['name']);

/* data display. Note this is completely independent of the type used to store 
   the colum & row data. All that matters are that $columns and $finances are 
      <?php foreach ($columns as $name => $label): ?>
        <th><?php echo $label ?></th>
      <?php endforeach ?>
    <?php foreach ($finances as $monthly): ?>
        <?php foreach ($columns as $name => $label): ?>
          <td><?php echo $monthly[$name]; ?></td>
        <?php endforeach ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
