我想将来自backbone.js Model对象的所有属性复制到另一个属性(如果它们未定义)。这有点像一个覆盖父母属性的孩子。子对象的某些属性应该从整个过程中排除。这就是我到目前为止所做的:
function inherit(parent, child) {
var childAttributes = Object.keys(child.attributes);
// Don't involve these attributes in any way, they're special.
attributes = _.without(attributes, ['specialCase1', 'specialCase2', 'specialCase3']);
// This array will store undefined child attributes
var undefChildAttributes = new Array();
for (i in attributes) {
var attr = attributes[i]; // Get attribute name
var value = child.get(attr); // ... and value
var type = RealTypeOf(value); // ... and type
if (type == 'undefined') {
// Update the child attributes array to not include undefined any attributes
attributes = _.without(attributes, undefChildAttributes);
// Copy any attributes from child to parent
// ------------------ PROBLEM AREA ------------------
for (var m=0; m<attributes.length; m++) {
var attr = attributes[m]; // Attribute to copy
// I want to use _.extends in some way here, maybe like:
_.extends(parent, child[attr]);
if (type == 'string') {
eval('var o = {' + attr + ':"' + child.get(attr) + '"};');
} else {
eval('var o = {' + attr + ':' + child.get(attr) + '};');
答案 0 :(得分:5)
var o = {};
o[attr] = child.get(attr);
function inherit(parent, child) {
var attributes = child.toJSON(),
keepkeys = _.keys(attributes);
// remove special cases
keepkeys = _.without(keepkeys, 'specialCase1', 'specialCase2');
// or keepkeys = _.difference(keepkeys, ['specialCase1', 'specialCase2']);
// remove undefined values
keepkeys = _.filter(keepkeys, function (key) {
return typeof(attributes[key])!=="undefined";
// with underscore>=1.3.3
var result = _.pick(attributes, keepkeys);
// with underscore<1.3.3
// var result = {};
// _.each(keepkeys, function (key) {
// result[key] = attributes[key];
// });
var P = new Backbone.Model();
var C = new Backbone.Model({
copy1: "c1",
specialCase1: "do not copy",
undefkey: undefined
inherit(P, C);