使用.NET Queue类,如该示例所示,我收到以下错误:
let queue = new Queue<_>()
如果从队列创建中删除了type参数,则会更改type BlockingQueueAgent<'T>(maxLength)
除了实现我自己的队列类之外,有没有办法使用示例程序中使用的.NET Queue类?下面给出了整个代码,以防更具说明性。
open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections
//open System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
///defining Agent
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
///defining Message
type internal BlockingAgentMessage<'T> =
| Get of AsyncReplyChannel<'T>
| Add of 'T * AsyncReplyChannel<unit>
/// Agent-based implementation of producer/consumer problem
type BlockingQueueAgent<'T>(maxLength) =
let agent = Agent.Start(fun agent ->
let queue = new Queue<_>()
//let queue = new Queue()
// State machine running inside the agent
let rec emptyQueue() =
agent.Scan(fun msg ->
match msg with
| Add(value, reply) -> Some(enqueueAndContinue(value, reply))
| _ -> None )
and fullQueue() =
agent.Scan(fun msg ->
match msg with
| Get(reply) -> Some(dequeueAndContinue(reply))
| _ -> None )
and runningQueue() = async {
let! msg = agent.Receive()
match msg with
| Add(value, reply) -> return! enqueueAndContinue(value, reply)
| Get(reply) -> return! dequeueAndContinue(reply) }
and enqueueAndContinue (value, reply) = async {
return! chooseState() }
and dequeueAndContinue (reply) = async {
return! chooseState() }
and chooseState() =
if queue.Count = 0 then emptyQueue()
elif queue.Count = maxLength then fullQueue()
else runningQueue()
// Start with an empty queue
emptyQueue() )
/// Asynchronously adds item to the queue. If the queue
/// is full, it blocks until some items are removed.
member x.AsyncAdd(v:'T) =
agent.PostAndAsyncReply(fun ch -> Add(v, ch))
/// Asynchronously gets item from the queue. If the queue
/// is empty, it blocks until some items are added.
member x.AsyncGet() =
let ag = new BlockingQueueAgent<int>(3)
let writer() = async {
for i in 0 .. 10 do
do! ag.AsyncAdd(i)
printfn "Added: %d" i }
let reader () = async {
while true do
let! v = ag.AsyncGet()
do! Async.Sleep(1000)
printfn "Got: %d" v }
reader () |> Async.Start
writer () |> Async.Start
答案 0 :(得分:9)
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic