// speed of the AI player
public var speed:int = 5;
// speed the ai player rotates by
public var rotationSpeed:int = 3;
// the waypoints
public var waypoints:Transform[];
// current waypoint id
private var waypointId:int = 0;
// the player
public var player:GameObject;
// firing toggle
private var firing:boolean = false;
// the Mesh Renderer of the Muzzle Flash GameObject
private var muzzleFlashAgent:GameObject;
function Start()
// retrieve the player
player = GameObject.Find("First Person Controller");
// retrieve the muzzle flash
muzzleFlashAgent = GameObject.Find("muzzleFlashAgent");
// disable the muzzle flash renderer
muzzleFlashAgent.active = false;
Patrol around the waypoints
function Patrol()
// if no waypoints have been assigned
if (waypoints.Length == 0)
print("You need to assign some waypoints within the Inspector");
// if distance to waypoint is less than 2 metres then start heading toward next waypoint
if (Vector3.Distance(waypoints[waypointId].position, transform.position) < 2)
// increase waypoint id
// make sure new waypointId isn't greater than number of waypoints
// if it is then set waypointId to 0 to head towards first waypoint again
if (waypointId >= waypoints.Length) waypointId = 0;
// move towards the current waypointId's position
Move towards the targetPosition
function MoveTowards(targetPosition:Vector3)
// calculate the direction
var direction:Vector3 = targetPosition - transform.position;
// rotate over time to face the target rotation - Quaternion.LookRotation(direction)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(direction), rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
// set the x and z axis of rotation to 0 so the soldier stands upright (otherwise equals REALLY bad leaning)
transform.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);
// use the CharacterController Component's SimpleMove(...) function
// multiply the soldiers forward vector by the speed to move the AI
GetComponent (CharacterController).SimpleMove(transform.forward * speed);
// play the walking animation
function Update()
// calculate the distance to the player
var distanceToPlayer:int = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, player.transform.position);
// calculate vector direction to the player
var directionToPlayer:Vector3 = transform.position - player.transform.position;
// calculate the angle between AI forward vector and direction toward player
// we use Mathf.Abs to store the absolute value (i.e. always positive)
var angle:int = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Angle(transform.forward, directionToPlayer));
// if player is within 30m and angle is greater than 130 (IN FRONT) then begin chasing the player
if (distanceToPlayer < 30 && angle > 130)
// move towards the players position
// if not firing then start firing!
if (!firing) Fire();
// if player is within 5m and BEHIND then begin chasing
else if (distanceToPlayer < 5 && angle < 130)
// move towards the players position
// if not firing then start firing!
if (!firing) Fire();
// patrol
// stop firing
firing = false;
Fire at the player
function Fire()
// toggle firing on
firing = true;
// check if still firing
while (firing)
// hit variable for RayCasting
var hit:RaycastHit;
// range of weapon
var range:int = 30;
// fire the ray from our position of our muzzle flash, forwards "range" metres and store whatever is detected in the variable "hit"
if (Physics.Raycast(muzzleFlashAgent.transform.position, transform.forward, hit, range))
// draw a line in the scene so we can see what's going on
Debug.DrawLine (muzzleFlashAgent.transform.position, hit.point);
// if we hit the player
if (hit.transform.name == "First Person Controller")
// inform the player that they have been shot
// play gunshot sound
// show muzzle flash for X seconds
muzzleFlashAgent.active = true;
yield WaitForSeconds(0.05);
muzzleFlashAgent.active = false;
// wait a second or two before firing again
yield WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(1.0, 2.0));
// wait till next frame to test again
// the sound to play when the player is shot
public var shotSound:AudioClip;
// the number of lives
public var lives:int = 3;
Player has been shot
function Shot ()
// play the shot audio clip
// reduce lives
// reload the level if no lives left
if (lives == 0)
// destroy the crosshair
// add the camera fade (black by default)
// fade the transparency to 1 over 1 second and reload scene once complete
iTween.CameraFadeTo(iTween.Hash("amount", 1, "time", 1, "oncomplete", "ReloadScene", "oncompletetarget", gameObject));
Reload the scene
function ReloadScene()
// reload scene
public var ragdoll:GameObject;
Function called to kill the soldier
function Shot()
// instantiate the ragdoll at this transform's position and rotation
Instantiate(ragdoll, transform.position, transform.rotation);
// destroy the animated soldier gameobject
答案 0 :(得分:2)
与常见的C#(可能是javascript)程序相比,当你有一个对象的引用时,它永远不会被垃圾收集,如果你破坏了对象,所有你对它的引用将转到{ {1}}。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
var instance : GameObject = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Soldier"));