
时间:2012-04-04 15:15:04

标签: grails gorm gsp grails-2.0 grails-controller


[passwordinsufficientuniquechar, passwordmaxrepeat, passwordinsufficientuniqueno, passwordnotenoughnumbers]


passwordcontainsusername=Your new password cannot contain your user name.
passwordtooshort=Your new password must be at least 8 characters long.
passwordtoolong=Your new password cannot exceed 50 characters.
password.change.different=The new password and the confirmed password values do not match.
passwordmaxrepeat=Your new password cannot contain more than 4 instances of the same character.
passwordequalsoldpassword=Your new password cannot be a previously used password.
passwordnotenoughnumbers=Your new password must contain at least 1 number or punctuation character.
passwordnotallowedchar=Your new password contain one or more characters that are not allowed.
password.change.validateerror=The account password and the current password do not match.
passwordnotenoughchars=Your new password must contain at least 2 letters.
passwordlessthan24hours=You cannot change your password more than three times in 24 hours.
passwordinsufficientuniquechar = Your new password must contain at least 5 unique characters.
passwordinsufficientuniqueno =Your new password must contain at least 2 unique numbers (symbols count as numbers).

我正在使用网络流程。那么如何将这些消息解析为o / p以显示来自我的属性文件的消息。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


<g:message code="passwordtooshort"/>


<g:each in="${messageCodes}">
    <g:message code="${it}"/>


def translation = message(code: 'passwordtooshort')  // single code
def translations = messageCodes.collect { message(code: it) } // list of codes