
时间:2012-03-21 03:35:54

标签: list functional-programming ocaml ml


例如,该函数应执行以下计算:[5,6,7,8], [0, 3] => [5, 8]



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


# let rec indices xs = function
    | i :: is -> (List.nth xs i) :: indices xs is
    | [] -> []
val indices : 'a list -> int list -> 'a list = <fun>

# indices [5;6;7;8] [0;3] ;;
- int list = [5; 8]



答案 1 :(得分:3)


(* A 'zipper' on the data structure "foo" is a derived data structure
   that represents a position in the data structure "foo", that can be
   filled with an element. You can think of this as a "cursor" on some
   element in the structure, that can moved in various directions to
   point to other elements of the structure. If the structure "foo"
   does not have random access, keeping a zipper allows to access the
   pointed element quickly (instead of having to look at it from the
   top of the structure again each time); its neighbors can be
   acccessed as well by moving the zipper.

   A cursor on a list has this form:

   [a; b; c; d; e; f]

   It can be represented as a value of type
     'a list * 'a * 'a list

   where the first list denotes the element before the cursor, and the
   second the elements after it. To be able to access the left
   neighbor of the cursor in constant time, we store the left elements
   in reverse order (rightmost first), so the zipper actually is

   ([b; a], c, [d; e; f])

   Zippers can be adapted to lot of data structures, including in
   particular trees. There are neat ways to define them as the
   "derivative" (in a calculus-like sense) of datatypes. See
   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipper_(data_structure) for more
let move_right = function
  | (left, x, x' :: right) -> (x :: left, x', right)
  | (_, _, []) -> raise Not_found

let move_left = function
  | (x' :: left, x, right) -> (left, x', x :: right)
  | ([], _, _) -> raise Not_found

let elem (left, e, right) = e

(* zipper of a list *)
let zipper = function
  | [] -> raise Not_found
  | x :: xs -> ([], x, xs)

let rec iterate f x = function
  | 0 -> x
  | n -> iterate f (f x) (n - 1)

let get_all data indices =
  let get_next index (pos, zip, acc) =
    let zip' =
      let move = if index < pos then move_left else move_right in
      try iterate move zip (abs (index - pos))
      with Not_found -> invalid_arg ("invalid index " ^ string_of_int index) in
    (index, zip', elem zip' :: acc) in
  let (_pos, _zip, result) =
    List.fold_right get_next indices (0, zipper data, []) in


# get_all [0;2;4;6;8;10] [2;0;1;4];;
- : int list = [4; 0; 2; 8]
# get_all [0;2;4;6;8;10] [2;0;1;6;4];;
Exception: Invalid_argument "invalid index 6".

如果从哪里获取元素的列表很大,它可能明显快于List.map (List.nth data)

let slow_get_all data indices = List.map (List.nth data) indices

let init n = Array.to_list (Array.init n (fun i -> i))
let data = init 100_000
let indices = List.map (( * ) 100) (init 1000)

(* some seconds *)
let _ = slow_get_all data indices

(* immediate *)
let _ = get_all data indices


答案 2 :(得分:2)



  1. 使用mange的indices函数并重新实现List.nth函数。这并不是很有趣,您可能更愿意避免系统地重新扫描x列表中y列表的每个元素。

  2. 使用递归函数同时扫描xy列表。例如,您可能希望:

    • x列表的弹出元素的次数与y列表的第一个元素的值的次数相同。
    • 在剩余列表x中,保留第一个元素,弹出y的头部,然后继续xy的剩余部分。
  3. 我会留下细节,就像通常的魔鬼居住一样,由你决定。

答案 3 :(得分:1)


在任何情况下,都可以使用尾递归解决方案。 (我怀疑这是一个家庭作业问题......)


如果第二个列表按升序排序,没有重复的元素,您可以执行以下操作。 indices_tr是一个尾递归函数,有四个参数; result是先前累积的结果列表,xs是第一个列表的剩余部分,n是该列表中的当前索引,is是剩余部分指数清单。

let indices xs is = 
 let rec indices_tr result (x::xs) n = function
   | [] -> result
   | i::is when i==n -> indices_tr (x::result) xs (n+1) is
   | is -> indices_tr result xs (n+1) is
 indices_tr [] xs 0 is



 # indices [1;3;5;7] [0;1;2];;
 - : int list = [5; 3; 1]
