<form id="rat" action="" method="post">
<strong id="rating_title">Rate this: </strong>
<select name="rate">
<?php foreach (get_options() as $id => $title): ?>
<option value="<?php echo $id ?>" <?php echo $id==3 ? 'selected="selected"' : '' ?> /><?php echo $title ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<input type="submit" value="Rate it!" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#rat").children().not("select, #rating_title").hide();
// Create caption element
var $caption = $('<div id="caption"/>');
// Create stars
inputType: "select",
oneVoteOnly: true,
captionEl: $caption,
callback: function(ui, type, value)
// Display message to the user at the begining of request
// Send request to the server using POST method
/* NOTE:
The same PHP script is used for the FORM submission when Javascript is not available.
The only difference in script execution is the returned value.
For AJAX call we expect an JSON object to be returned.
The JSON object contains additional data we can use to update other elements on the page.
To distinguish the AJAX request in PHP script, check if the $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] header variable is set.
(see: demo4.php)
$.post("demo4.php", {rate: value}, function(json)
// Change widget's title
$("#rating_title").text("Average rating");
// Select stars from "Average rating" control to match the returned average rating value
// Update widget's caption
$caption.text(" (" + json.votes + " votes; " + json.avg + ")");
// Display confirmation message to the user
$("#messages").text("Rating saved (" + value + "). Thanks!").stop().css("opacity", 1).fadeIn(30);
// Hide confirmation message after 2 sec...
}, 2000);
}, "json");
// Since the <option value="3"> was selected by default, we must remove this selection from Stars.
$("#rat").stars("selectID", -1);
// Append caption element !after! the Stars
// Create element to use for confirmation messages
$('<div id="messages"/>').appendTo("#rat");
以同样的方式,我有大约100个具有不同ID的表单,我需要以类似的方式绑定每个表单...除了少数参数的更改。 例如:if form id-“rat2”then $(“#rat2”)... $(“#messages”)... etc
有没有办法可以封装上面的整个javascript / jquery代码,使其参数化。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
<form class="rating" id="???">
//apply logic to each form (extract id's from "this" form as needed)