
时间:2008-09-17 14:31:30

标签: oracle string replace




5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)


SET mycol = replace( replace(mycol, '{1}', 'myoneval'), '{2}', mytwoval)

答案 1 :(得分:4)

如果要替换许多变量并且在另一个表中有它们,并且变量的数量是可变的,则可以使用递归CTE来替换它们。 以下是一个例子。在表fg_rulez中,您将字符串替换为替换字符串。在表fg_data中,您有输入字符串。

set define off;
drop table fg_rulez
create table fg_rulez as 
  select 1 id,'<' symbol, 'less than' text from dual
  union all select 2, '>', 'great than' from dual
  union all select 3, '$', 'dollars' from dual
  union all select 4, '&', 'and' from dual;
drop table fg_data;
create table fg_Data AS(
   SELECT 'amount $ must be < 1 & > 2' str FROM dual
   union all
   SELECT 'John is >  Peter & has many $' str FROM dual
   union all
   SELECT 'Eliana is < mary & do not has many $' str FROM dual


WITH  q(str, id) as (
  SELECT str, 0 id 
  FROM fg_Data 
  SELECT replace(q.str,symbol,text), fg_rulez.id
  FROM q 
  JOIN fg_rulez 
    ON q.id = fg_rulez.id - 1
SELECT str from q where id = (select max(id) from fg_rulez);



amount dollars must be less than 1 and great than 2 
John is great than Peter and has many dollars 
Eliana is less than mary and do not  has many dollars

术语符号而不是变量来自this duplicated question.

Oracle 11gR2

答案 2 :(得分:1)



with Dict as
 (select '{1}' String, 'myfirstval' Repl from dual
   union all
  select '{2}' String, 'mysecondval' Repl from dual
   union all
  select '{3}' String, 'mythirdval' Repl from dual
   union all  
  select '{Nth}' String, 'myNthval' Repl from dual  

,MyStrings as
 (select 'This  is the first example {1} ' Str, 1 strnum from dual
  union all
  select 'In the Second example all values are shown {1} {2} {3} {Nth} ', 2  from dual
  union all
  select '{3} Is the value for the third', 3 from dual
  union all
  select '{Nth} Is the value for the Nth', 4 from dual  
,pivot as (
  Select Rownum Pnum
  From dual
  Connect By Rownum <= 100   
,StrtoRow as
SELECT rownum rn
      ,REGEXP_SUBSTR (Str,'[^ ]+',1,pv.pnum) TXT
  FROM MyStrings ms
      ,pivot pv
where REGEXP_SUBSTR (Str,'[^ ]+',1,pv.pnum) is not null
Select Listagg(NVL(Repl,TXT),' ') within group (order by rn) 
Select sr.TXT, d.Repl, sr.strnum, sr.rn
  from StrtoRow sr
      ,dict d
 where sr.TXT = d.String(+) 
order by strnum, rn 
) group by strnum

答案 3 :(得分:0)


with fg_rulez as (
  select 1 id,'<' symbol, 'less than' text from dual
  union all select 2, '>', 'greater than' from dual
   union all select 3, '$', 'dollars' from dual
  union all select 4, '+', 'and' from dual
),  fg_Data AS (
   SELECT 'amount $ must be < 1 + > 2' str FROM dual
   union all
   SELECT 'John is > Peter + has many $' str FROM dual
   union all
   SELECT 'Eliana is < mary + do not has many $' str FROM dual
), q(str, id) as (
  SELECT str, 0 id 
  FROM fg_Data 
  SELECT replace(q.str,symbol,text), fg_rulez.id
  FROM q 
  JOIN fg_rulez 
    ON q.id = fg_rulez.id - 1
SELECT str from q where id = (select max(id) from fg_rulez);

答案 4 :(得分:-1)
