Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] 版权所有(c)2009 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
C:\用户\ miralp> CD \
C:> cd SVN
C:\ SVN> .. \ Tools \ nant-0.91-alpha2 \ bin \ nant.exe -buildfile:C:\ SVN \ BestFareFinderGit \ Source \ Deploy \ Functions.build 系统找不到指定的路径。
C:\ SVN> Tools \ nant-0.91-alpha2 \ bin \ nant.exe -buildfile:C:\ SVN \ BestFareFinderGit \ Source \ Deploy \ Functions.build NAnt 0.91(Build 0.91.3881.0; alpha2; 17/08/2010) 版权所有(C)2001-2010 Gerry Shaw http://nant.sourceforge.net
Buildfile:file:/// C:/SVN/BestFareFinderGit/Source/Deploy/Functions.build 目标框架:Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
C:\ SVN \ BestFareFinderGit \源\部署\ Functions.build(4,3): 编译失败: c:\ Users \ miralp \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ izhn5siv.0.cs(36,6):错误CS0012:类型'System.Xml.XmlDocument'在未引用的程序集中定义。您必须添加对程序集'System'的引用。 Xml,Version = 1.0.3300.0,Culture = neutral,PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089'。 // ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ // //此代码由工具生成。 //运行时版本:4.0.30319.239 // //对此文件的更改可能会导致错误的行为,如果失败则会丢失 //重新生成代码。 // // ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
使用NAnt.Core; 使用NAnt.Core.Attributes; 使用系统; 使用System.Collections; 使用System.IO; 使用System.Text;
[FunctionSet(“ttl”,“ttl”)] 公共类nant84cd7051c5eb497da059d002e13b0448:NAnt.Core.FunctionSetBase {
public string Expand_nant_properties_into_template(string templateFilepath, string propertiesFilepath, string applicationVersion)
const int INDENT_LEVEL = 0;
const string APPLICATION_VERSION = "applicationVersion";
//Get the contents of the template to be expanded
string template = new FileInfo(templateFilepath)
//Create a new NAnt project with only the properties in the properties file
Project project = new Project(propertiesFilepath, Level.None, INDENT_LEVEL);
project.Properties.Add(APPLICATION_VERSION, applicationVersion);
//Load the properties into memory
return project.Properties.ExpandProperties(template, Location.UnknownLocation);
public nant84cd7051c5eb497da059d002e13b0448(NAnt.Core.Project project, NAnt.Core.PropertyDictionary propDict) :
base(project, propDict) {
C:\ SVN> Tools \ nant \ bin \ nant.exe -buildfile:C:\ SVN \ BestFareFinderGit \ Source \ Deploy \ Functions.build NAnt 0.86(Build 0.86.2898.0; beta1; 08/12/2007) 版权所有(C)2001-2007 Gerry Shaw http://nant.sourceforge.net
Buildfile:file:/// C:/SVN/BestFareFinderGit/Source/Deploy/Functions.build 目标框架:Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
[script]扫描程序集“jp-pfatj”以获取扩展名。 [script]扫描程序集“rzb29ihl”以获取扩展名。
C:\ SVN> .. \ Tools \ nant-0.91-alpha2 \ bin \ nant.exe -buildfile:C:\ SVN \ BestFareFinderGit \ Source \ Deploy \ Functions.build
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我假设你正在使用msbuild nant任务。
<property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-3.5" />