
时间:2011-09-11 11:16:12

标签: c# oop extensibility plugin-pattern






  • 核心程序集包含一个允许注册和取消注册共享输入/输出消息的对象(例如“Comments.AddComment”或“Comments.ListComments”)
  • 加载模块时,会宣传他们需要的服务和服务 它们提供(例如,新闻模块将需要“Comments.AddComment”消息,并且评论模块的任何变体将提供“Comments.AddComment”消息)。
  • 传递给这些消息的任何对象或数据都将从非常松散的基类继承,或者实现一个接口,该接口公开核心程序集中包含的IDictionary类型的属性。或者,消息合同只需要一个object类型的参数,我将匿名对象从提供者/消费者传递给它们。


通过Reflection加载插件,检查引用的程序集并查找实现给定接口的类。 MEF和动态类型不是一个选项,因为我只限于.NET 3.5。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




private void findPlugins(String path)
  // Loop over a list of DLL's in the plugin dll path defined previously.
  foreach (String fileName in Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.dll"))
    if (!loadPlugin(fileName))
      writeToLogFile("Failed to Add driver plugin (" + fileName + ")");
      writeToLogFile("Added driver plugin (" + fileName + ")");
  }// End DLL file loop

}// End find plugins


private Boolean loadPlugin(String pluginFile)
  // Default to a successfull result, this will be changed if needed
  Boolean result = true;
  Boolean interfaceFound = false;

  // Default plugin type is unknown
  pluginType plType = pluginType.unknown;

  // Check the file still exists
  if (!File.Exists(pluginFile))
    result = false;
    return result;

  // Standard try/catch block
    // Attempt to load the assembly using .NET reflection
    Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(pluginFile);

    // loop over a list of types found in the assembly
    foreach (Type asmType in asm.GetTypes())
      // If it's a standard abstract, IE Just the interface but no code, ignore it
      // and continue onto the next iteration of the loop
      if (asmType.IsAbstract) continue;

      // Check if the found interface is of the same type as our plugin interface specification
      if (asmType.GetInterface("IPluginInterface") != null)
        // Set our result to true
        result = true;

        // If we've found our plugin interface, cast the type to our plugin interface and
        // attempt to activate an instance of it.
        IPluginInterface plugin = (IPluginInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(asmType);

        // If we managed to create an instance, then attempt to get the plugin type
        if (plugin != null)
          // Get a list of custom attributes from the assembly
          object[] attributes = asmType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(pluginTypeAttribute), true);

          // If custom attributes are found....
          if (attributes.Length > 0)
            // Loop over them until we cast one to our plug in type
            foreach (pluginTypeAttribute pta in attributes)
              plType = pta.type;

          }// End if attributes present

          // Finally add our new plugin to the list of plugins avvailable for use
          pluginList.Add(new pluginListItem() { thePlugin = plugin, theType = plType });
          result = true;
          interfaceFound = true;

        }// End if plugin != null
          // If plugin could not be activated, set result to false.
          result = false;
      }// End if interface type not plugin
        // If type is not our plugin interface, set the result to false.
        result = false;
    }// End for each type in assembly
  catch (Exception ex)
    // Take no action if loading the plugin causes a fault, we simply
    // just don't load it.
    writeToLogFile("Exception occured while loading plugin DLL " + ex.Message);
    result = false;

  if (interfaceFound)
    result = true;

  return result;
}// End loadDriverPlugin


    public struct pluginListItem
      /// <summary>
      /// Interface pointer to the loaded plugin, use this to gain access to the plugins
      /// methods and properties.
      /// </summary>
      public IPluginInterface thePlugin;

      /// <summary>
      /// pluginType value from the valid enumerated values of plugin types defined in
      /// the plugin interface specification, use this to determine the type of hardware
      /// this plugin driver represents.
      /// </summary>
      public pluginType theType;


    // String holding path to examine to load hardware plugins from
    String hardwarePluginsPath = "";

    // Generic list holding details of any hardware driver plugins found by the service.
    List<pluginListItem> pluginList = new List<pluginListItem>();


      public enum pluginType
        /// <summary>
        /// Plugin is an unknown type (Default), plugins set to this will NOT be loaded
        /// </summary>
        unknown = -1,

        /// <summary>
        /// Plugin is a printer driver
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Plugin is a scanner driver
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Plugin is a digital camera driver
        /// </summary>


        public sealed class pluginTypeAttribute : Attribute
          private pluginType _type;

          /// <summary>
          /// Initializes a new instance of the attribute.
          /// </summary>
          /// <param name="T">Value from the plugin types enumeration.</param>
          public pluginTypeAttribute(pluginType T) { _type = T; }

          /// <summary>
          /// Publicly accessible read only property field to get the value of the type.
          /// </summary>
          /// <value>The plugin type assigned to the attribute.</value>
          public pluginType type { get { return _type; } }


          public interface IPluginInterface
            /// <summary>
            /// Defines the name for the plugin to use.
            /// </summary>
            /// <value>The name.</value>
            String name { get; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Defines the version string for the plugin to use.
            /// </summary>
            /// <value>The version.</value>
            String version { get; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Defines the name of the author of the plugin.
            /// </summary>
            /// <value>The author.</value>
            String author { get; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Defines the name of the root of xml packets destined
            /// the plugin to recognise as it's own.
            /// </summary>
            /// <value>The name of the XML root.</value>
            String xmlRootName { get; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Defines the method that is used by the host service shell to pass request data
            /// in XML to the plugin for processing.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="XMLData">String containing XML data containing the request.</param>
            /// <returns>String holding XML data containing the reply to the request.</returns>
            String processRequest(String XMLData);

            /// <summary>
            /// Defines the method used at shell startup to provide any one time initialisation
            /// the client will call this once, and once only passing to it a host interface pointing to itself
            /// that the plug shall use when calling methods in the IPluginHost interface.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="theHost">The IPluginHost interface relating to the parent shell program.</param>
            /// <returns><c>true</c> if startup was successfull, otherwise <c>false</c></returns>
            Boolean startup(IPluginHost theHost);

            /// <summary>
            /// Called by the shell service at shutdown to allow to close any resources used.
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns><c>true</c> if shutdown was successfull, otherwise <c>false</c></returns>
            Boolean shutdown();




            public interface IPluginHost
              /// <summary>
              /// Defines a method to be called by plugins of the client in order that they can 
              /// inform the service of any events it may need to be aware of.
              /// </summary>
              /// <param name="xmlData">String containing XML data the shell should act on.</param>
              void eventCallback(String xmlData);


            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            using System.Text;
            using pluginInterfaces;
            using System.IO;
            using System.Xml.Linq;

            namespace pluginSkeleton
              /// <summary>
              /// Main plugin class, the actual class name can be anything you like, but it MUST
              /// inherit IPluginInterface in order that the shell accepts it as a hardware driver
              /// module. The [PluginType] line is the custom attribute as defined in pluginInterfaces
              /// used to define this plugins purpose to the shell app.
              /// </summary>
              public class thePlugin : IPluginInterface
                private String _name = "Printer Plugin"; // Plugins name
                private String _version = "V1.0";        // Plugins version
                private String _author = "Shawty";       // Plugins author
                private String _xmlRootName = "printer"; // Plugins XML root node

                public string name { get { return _name; } }
                public string version { get { return _version; } }
                public string author { get { return _author; } }
                public string xmlRootName { get { return _xmlRootName; } }

                public string processRequest(string XMLData)
                  XDocument request = XDocument.Parse(XMLData);

                  // Use Linq here to pick apart the XML data and isolate anything in our root name space
                  // this will isolate any XML in the tags  <printer>...</printer>
                  var myData = from data in request.Elements(this._xmlRootName)
                               select data;

                  // Dummy return, just return the data passed to us, format of this message must be passed
                  // back acording to Shell XML communication specification.
                  return request.ToString();

                public bool startup(IPluginHost theHost)
                  bool result = true;

                    // Implement any startup code here
                  catch (Exception ex)
                    result = false;

                  return result;

                public bool shutdown()
                  bool result = true;

                    // Implement any shutdown code here
                  catch (Exception ex)
                    result = false;

                  return result;

              }// End class
            }// End namespace

通过一些工作,您应该能够调整所有这些以满足您的需要,最初编写的项目是针对dot net 3.5编写的,我们确实让它在Windows服务中工作。

答案 1 :(得分:2)


  • 将接口放在单独的共享程序集中,因此如果接口发生更改,您至少不需要重新编译核心应用程序。

  • 请勿更改任何界面 - 将它们固定在一起。而不是“版本”它们,所以如果你想改变界面,你就留下旧界面,只是暴露一个扩展或替换旧API的全新界面。这允许您逐渐弃用旧插件,而不是强制立即进行全局重建。这确实束缚了你的手,因为它需要对所有旧接口的完全向后兼容性支持,至少在你知道所有客户已经转移到所有组件的较新版本之前。但是你可以将它与不太频繁的“重新安装一切”版本结合起来,在这种情况下你可以打破向后兼容性,清除已经失效的界面并升级所有客户端程序集。

  • 查找所有插件不需要接口某些部分的接口,并将一些接口拆分为几个更简单的接口,以减少每个接口的依赖性/流失。

  • 正如您所建议的那样,将接口转换为运行时注册/发现方法,以最大限度地减少接口流失。接口越灵活和通用,扩展它们就越容易,而不会引入重大变化。例如,将数据/命令序列化为字符串格式,字典或XML,并以该形式传递,而不是调用显式接口。像XML或名称+值对的字典这样的数据驱动方法比接口更容易扩展,因此您可以开始支持新元素/属性,同时轻松保留向您传递旧格式的客户端的向后兼容性。您可以将接口设置为采用类型参数的单个方法,而不是PostMessage(msg)+ PostComment(msg):PostData(“Message”,msg)和PostData(“Comment”,msg) - 这样很容易支持新的类型,无需定义新接口。

  • 如果可能,请尝试定义预期未来预期功能的接口。因此,如果您认为有一天可能会添加RSS功能,那么请考虑一下如何工作,在界面中查看,但不提供任何支持。然后,如果你最终开始添加一个RSS插件,它已经有一个定义的API插入。当然,这仅适用于您定义足够灵活的接口,以便系统在实现时实际可用的接口!

  • 或者在某些情况下,您可以将依赖插件发送给所有客户,并使用许可系统启用或禁用其功能。然后你的插件可以相互依赖,但你的客户除非他们已经购买了它们,否则无法使用它们。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

如果你想要更通用,恕我直言,你应该在pugins上抽象UI层。 因此,用户与UI(如果其中有Plugin)公开的UI实际互动,与Comments一样,必须是Plugin的一部分定义。 Host容器必须提供一个空间,任何插件都可以推送任何他想要的东西。空间要求也可以是插件描述性清单的一部分。在这种情况下Host,基本上是:

  • 找到一个插件
  • 将其加载到内存中
  • 读取它需要多少和多少空间
  • 检查是否可以在此时刻提供指定的空间,如果是,则允许插件使用插件UI数据填充其界面。


